
20a. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class One.This class speaks of Yitzchok’s superior Ahava (love of hashem) over Avarahm’s Ahava.Avraham’s is אהבה כמים (water-like love); this means reasonable, containable love.Yitzchok’s love is אהבה כרשפי אש (fiery love) it is not reasonable and is anchored in Gevura, a person WILLS this love from the outside in (or:...

20b. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Two.Avraham’s Avoda reveals an Aztilus’ light that can be brought even into the worlds of Kelipa, but it isn’t revealed there.Yitzchok’s Avoda reveals a light from Kesser (and in it’s Shoresh from פנימיות א”ק!!); and this love is present everywhere (even in Klipa environments) and be revealed there!!This is...

20c. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Three.Avraham’s Avoda was ‘from the top down’; to BRING light to the world and move people this way.Yitzchok’s Avoda was digging wells, helping people find G-d within themselves from the bottom up.The latter approach is much more affective, it refines the vessel and makes a Keli for the Light...

20d. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714, Class Four.This class includes (only) the (very) beginning and the (very) end.This Ma’amar is about Yitzchok, and his advantage over Avraham; Avraham shines light and Yitzchok elevates the world.The Rebbe links this to 12 Tamuz. The Previous Rebbe (Yitzchok) engages with the world and makes it a vessel for Godliness...