
01. Adon Olom Machon Chana Part One. Wednesday 28 Tishrei 5775/ October 22 2014. It is uncertain who wrote Adon Olom and when it was written. What is certain is that it does not appear in the Siddur until relatively recently. (It appears in the Shela but not in the RaMaK or the Arizal). It has...

02. Adon Olom Part Two, Machon Chana . Wednesday 05 Marcheshvan 5775/ October 29 2014. The first half of Adon Olom is explored inside. The first part of Adon Olom discusses His being a King, not of the world, but His possibility to rule over a world if one were to exist. He is not...

03. Adon Olom Machon Chana Part Three. Wednesday 12 Marcheshvan 5775/ November 05 2014. This class explore the second half of Adon Olom, which has two additional ideas: 1) Hashem is involved with us and he is our personal God, 2) we give ourselves to Him, both in good times (awake) and not such good...