
Atem Nitzavim 5712, Class One.This Ma’amar will be taught IYH in three parts.This class includes the introduction, about three covenants being supported by a fourth underlying covenant.The כריתות ברית covenants give reality to our lives, our relationship with Hashem and the service we give (of ourselves) to Him.The “Covenant of Covenants” is Rosh Hashana. We...

Atem Nitzavim 5712, Class Two.This class makes two points:Point One: The Avoda parallels of each of the three בריתות are:A. כריתות ברית דנח the idea of מודה אני where all we do is submit; like זיכוך כלליB. כריתות ברית דאברהם the process and effort of the “ladder” of davening and Torah through human effort. C....

Atem Nitzavim 5712, Class Three.This is a כריתות ברית (covenant) which happens on Rosh Hashana, quite separately from the three covenants discussed in the first two classes on this Maamarim.It is more basic and unbreakable than the others and it supports all the relationships (and covenants) that are interrupted on Rosh Hashana when everything is...