27. Kol Dodi 5736 (2) 11 Nissan (second of a Hemshech) Class One.This class covers a little more than half of this (long) Ma’amar and includes the part that is a virtual Chazara of the previous Ma’amar (also Kol Dodi).The leap on Pesach (as apposed to Shavuos and Sukkos) is due to our lowliness then....
27b. Kol Dodi 5736 (2) 11 Nissan (second of a Hemshech) Class Two.This second class discusses (basically) two points.1) The Avoda of Amida (standing), Hiluch (walking [Shmone Esrei]), Dilug (leaping [Krias Shma, Mesiras Nefesh]), Kfitza (broad-jumping). 2) Keren (as in the Possuk of the Rebbe’s Perek that year וכל קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק)...
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