
27a. UvRashei Chadashim 5735 (3rd of Hemshech in three parts), Class One.This class includes a short part of this (longer) Ma’amar. It’s the Rosh Chodesh part. The Rebbe explains that Nissan is the new ‘first’ month and is connected to Geula. This entire month is a time of Geula.Including and especially the 30th of (the...

27b. UvRashei Chadashim 5735 (3rd of Hemshech in three parts), Class Two.This class includes the discussion on the link between כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים and the final Geula; and between קריעת ים סוף and the בקיעת הנהר לעתיד and between מתן תורה and the תורה חדשה מאתי תצא דלעתיד.The ultimate idea is that just as...

27c. UvRashei Chadashim 5735 (3rd of Hemshech in three parts), Class Three.This class deals with the final corollary between the initial Yetzias Mitzrayim and the final Geula (redemption).[In addition to the parallels between 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim and the coming of Moshiach; 2) Kriyas Yam Suf and Bekias HaNahar; and 3) Mattan Torah and Torah Chadasha,...