
Gal Ainai Viabita Niflaos MiTorasecha 5737 (second part of a two part Hemshech), Class One.Lag BaOmer is the day of RaShbI’s joy, but it is connected to Pnimiyus HaTorah and is sometimes called Matan Torah of Pnimiyus HaTorah.This Ma’amar argues based on the word תורתיך at the end of the Possuk גל עיני that the...

28. Gal Ainai Viabita Niflaos MiTorasecha 5737 (second part of a two part Hemshech), Class Two.This class discusses the two Pesukim linked to Lag BaOmer:1) עד הגל הזה…2) גל עיני ואביטה נפלאות מתורתיךHe argues that they are opposites: the first describes Parsa that separates and the second describes revealing secrets?He explains that the ONLY way...