38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class One.This first class on this conglomeration of three Ma’amarim into one, is the longest and includes the first six (of 20) pages of this Ma’amar. It actually is a short version of what the Rebbe will then explain over the next several classes (IYH). He...
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Two.This (second) class discussed Birurim (as opposed to Nisyonos (tests)); where the correction that is affected by the Birur is not only in the person doing the Birur [A. his Godly Soul has an Aliya, B. his Animal Soul is corrected], but it corrects the...
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Three.Tests are higher than Birurim in two ways: A. the spark of Godliness in the test comes from so high a place that it falls so low as to be without any Metzius; B. the work of the person to overcome this test comes from...
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Four.This class has two parts:1) It connects the issue of Nisyonos (tests) with the Parsha (Pinchas) where Eretz Yisroel is distributed through Goral (a lottery) and what it means spiritually; a gift on a level completely beyond reason (and accordingly an ownership beyond any limits)....
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga), Class Five.This final class on the Ma’amar deals with several things:A. The Perek in Tehillim the Previous Rebbe began on his birthday (12 Tamuz) 5736- Psalm 97 אור זרוע לצדיק ולישרי לב שמחה the idea that in order to have Ein Sof you plant and let...
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