
Viatta Yisroel 5737 (1) Muga, Class One.This Ma’amar is being taught as part of a series that will include the second Viatta Yisroel, the Rebbe said in 5737, as well the one he said in 5727 (which is also Muga).This class introduces the Ma’amar and observes how the Rebbe will reverse a classic theme as...

Viatta Yisroel 5737 (2) Mugga, Class Two.This is the second part of the Muga Maamar.In this class the Rebbe makes two points:1) The Tzemach Tzedek explains the need for this Avoda is “Viatta” NOW in the world of challenge we need koach from M”A (given to Yisroel כי שרית עם אלוקים ואנשים ותוכל) to overcome.2)...