
44a. Sos Asis 5735 Class One.This class explains all the words in the first Possuk, as it is a segue to Tishrei, Godliness higher than Hishtalshelus reaches us and inspires the Avoda of the Yamim Noraim and Sukos and Simchas Torah.שוש אשיש בוהי’ה the revealed Joy of Simchas Torah expresses the Divine delight (תענוג) which...

44b. Sos Asis 5735 Class Two.This class is entirely about the question of why the ChaZaL prohibited blowing Shofar when Rosh Hashana is Shabbos. He gives the classic answer, that (it is not due to גזירה דרבה only, but) it is due to the lack of the need for Shofar, as Shabbos takes it’s place.We...