Vihaya Ki Savo 5737, Class One.This class discusses:1) The eternal connection between Yidden and Eretz Yisroel, as an inheritence which they inhabit and settle, that is connected to Torah and its’ covenaqnt.2) That this Parsha והי’ כי תבוא אל הארץ וגו’… הוי’ אלוקיך מצוך היום… האמרת… האמירך has three different meanings:A. Alter Rebbe, Eretz Yisroel...
Vihaya Ki Savo 5737, Class Two.Question: why is Bikurim which is a particular Mitzvah linked to such Klal ideas like Eretz Yisroel, making the world Eretz Yisroel and Birurim?Answer: there is something uniquely complete about this Mitzvah: the fact that it involves An action and a “Reading” (קריאה). This combination is the point of the...
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