
הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class One. Beginning of the Davening with a Minyan according to our custom. Half of Hodu is from one place (דברי הימים א’ ט”ז ח’ ואילך), the other half is from various Pesukim in Tehillim. The first half also is found almost identically in Tehillim 105. Hard to know when it...

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Six. This class starts with a review of the choices about הודו. The version we follow that it is before ברוך שאמר, makes it about the ארון (=Torah) and קרבנות (=Prayer), higher but perhaps less understood. Then we learned the first Possuk: הודו להוי’ה. It is Hoda’a but at least...

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Fourteen.Introduction to the second of the three parts of הודו (paralleled in Tehillim Perek 96).This is not uniquely a Jewish prayer but a universal one: All the world sings when Moshiach comes for seeing Hashem in the world. There are differences between how Yidden see Hashem and how the entire...

הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Nineteen, Class One.Introduction to (the new class, for new school year on) Siddur and Overview of HoduThis class begins with an overview of the daily journey through davening. Previous classes covered from Modeh Ani through the first two thirds of Hodu. The class overviews the “ladder prayer”: why the sections...