
01. Hodu (in the morning) Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5784/ 2023-34), Part One: Hashem and Yidden.The first third of Hodu (which is paralleled in Tehillim 96) is Yidden thanking Hashem for His kindness to them.This was said in the Beis HaMikdash each morning.

02. Hodu (in the morning) Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5784/ 2023-34), Part Two: Goyim thanking Hashem (Liasid).

03. Hodu (in the morning) Yeshiva Achei Temimim (5784/ 2023-34), Part Three: Galus, Hashem’s relationship in Galus.[Personal interpretation] There is no one Perek that speaks to the situation of Galus, so various Pesukim from different sources are drawn together to represent this (third) idea of Hodu.Like Yehi Chevod and the end of Uva LiTziyon.