
A series of classes on the life of the Alter Rebbe given at Yeshivas Chovevai Torah, beginning in Adar 5773/2013.

The Alter Rebbe himself spoke of ten positive things and ten painful things that happened in his lifetime.

(5776/ 2016) A thought based a comment made by the Chossid Reb Shmuel Ber Barisover about the alter Rebbe.

The Alter Rebbe, his unique NeshamaThis class given in Beis Rivkah seminary on 24 Teves 5782 (2021) explores two expression about the Alter Rebbe’s Neshama:1) He was a נשמה חדשה- a “new” Neshama2) “With him begin נשמות דתיקון- Souls of order (בכת”י דא”ח לא נודע הנדפס בהוספות למאמרים ה’תרס”ג ד”ה להבין אם תורת הבעש”ט אמת...

One of the most interesting things about the evolution of the Torah of the seven Rabbeiim of CHABAD is their loyalty to the past. The result is an incredible uniformity in their discourses. It can all be traced back to the Alter Rebbe.

This class given at Beis Midrash Linashim as a farbrengen for 24 Teves 5775, explores in short the Alter Rebbe’s three Rebbes 1) The holy Maggid, 2) His son the Angel ‘Reb Avrohom HaMalach’ and 3) Reb Mendel of Horodok.

The Alter Rebbe distinguished himself (also) in his involvement with Baalei Teshuva. Some stories.

Early years.

The Alter Rebbe’s final years (that were so positive) were interrupted (and ended) by the Napoleonic war. The Alter Rebbe’s attitude and response to Napoleon and his ideas.

A cross section of ideas about tzaddikim from a concordance covering the Tanach, Shas, and Zohar (Mikhlol Ha-Meamrim ve Ha-Pitgamim) interspersed with stories of the Alter Rebbe and other tzaddikim. MP3