
Class One. Introduction to all the classes of באתי לגני for this year. The Ma’amar from 5683. The Ma’amar for Yahrtzait of mother and grandmother becomes מאמר הילולא as a result of the הסתלכות. So many lessons, beginning with making this world a home for Him על ידי אתכפיא ואתהפכא. 1) קרבנות 2) שטות 3)...

Class One. This class is about the letter ה of Kedusha and the fact that it must be preceded by a ד of Kedusha. He discusses the Alter Rebbe’s discussion on ד and ג and after גימל come דלת who receives the Tzedaka אחור באחור. After the דלת comes the ה”י which is פנים בפנים....