Being Chosen (152) (1-?) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class One.On this day Moshe went up and came down ‘with the contract’.
Being Chosen (152b) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class Two.This class and the next one, are more complicated then they should be for this Sicha, because they’re the beginning of the school year, and repetetive and introductory.What we do in these classes...
Being Chosen (152c) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class Three.We reread the Chumash describing the first day and the second day, we’re ready to go back to the Sicha we started at the end of the last school year.
Being Chosen (152d) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class Four.Five days, five aspects of preparation five holidays for five different reasons:Day One: He said NOTHING; this got us to “One man with one heart”.Day Two: we were ‘chosen’; He gave Moshe a...
Being Chosen (152e) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class Five.The three ideas of ‘being chosen’ play out over the (Tuesday) 2nd, (Wednesday) 3rd and (Thursday) 4th days:1) Being Chosen as a nation of Priests: bringing Godliness into the world.2) Pitting up fences:...
Being Chosen (152f) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. Class Six.Three ideas three days continued.
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