
Patriarchs (00) (5776/2015) The pact with non-Jews, the Jewish nation, Iyov tells God there will never be another Avrohom Avinu.

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (06) Likutei Sichos Vol 01 p 18 Yishmael’s Bris was rational and that is a liability compared with Yitzchok’s super-rational bond. It is the basis of the Jewish people and that they are a miraculous people attached to Hashem higher than reason, from infancy.

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (04) Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 757 ff Bris Mila is another step in Avrohom’s spiritual climb. It was the first (and only) Mitzva that he did that actually elevated the physical.

Lech Lecha Likutei Sichos vol. 15 page 70 ff.Ten generations end and in one case they are destroyed and in the other they are uplifted.What is the explanation?

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (02) Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 075 ff What we learn from the Avos that relates to us though our Yiddishkiet is so different. How we make Yiddishkiet personal and felt by us.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff Why the life and times of Avrohom (and the Avos in general) is relevant to us. Given at Machon Chana in 5771 (2010).

Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 75 ff Why the life and times of Avrohom (and the Avos in general) is relevant to us. Given at Machon Chana in 5772 (2011).

Likutei Sichos -vol. 15- Page 83 ff.This Sicha was taught in two weeks.3-3=6.The 3 of Breishis, Noach and Lech plus the 3 of Noach, Avraham and Moshe add up to four ideas.1) Just from heaven (like the precarious Tzadik Chanoch).2) Just from below (Noach, who inspired the people to do Teshuva but didn’t Daven for...

Likutei Sichos -vol. 20- page 38 ff.How could Avraham ‘throw his wife to the wolves’ (so to speak) to leave her at Avimelech’s mercy?Answer: he knew the real greatness of Sara. Likutei Sichos -vol. 20- page 38 ff.

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (03) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 047 ff Whatever happened to Avrohom until Lech Lecha (at the age of seventy five) is not written in the Torah, because as the first Jew, his life doesn’t begin until he gets divine instruction and follows with bittul. The lesson for us: we must...

Lech Lecha Vayera Patriarchs (05) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 53 ff Bris Mila is two things: 1) a Mitzva, 2) A covenant. In as much as it is a Mitzva what we do today is separate from what the Avos did, but in as much as it is a Covenant, we continue to...

Lech Lecha Patriarchs (05) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 053 ff Bris Mila is two things: 1) a Mitzva, 2) A covenant. In as much as it is a Mitzva, what we do today is separate from what the Avos did, but in as much as it is a Covenant, we continue to bring...