Shoftim In Nigla, it seems so unnecessary to have, let alone add additional cities of refuge. This Sicha offers different reasons for these new cities, until the Rebbe gives us his word: 1) They will serve for those who murder before Moshiach came because, 2) The murdered one’s relatives have a Mitzvah to avenge his...
Shoftim This Sicha focuses primarily on the third Raia from Arai Miklat (Halacha 2) and explains the need for this third proof (and in a second Halacha) because it links Moshiach to a Mitzvah which must be literal and physical and impossible to change. He explains that the three proofs have three ideas each with...
Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 177 ff – Prophecy, Moshe’s Prophecy and TorahMoshe’s prophecy is higher than all other Prophets, and he is called ‘the Father of the Prophets’.Torah is higher still than Moshe’s Prophecy.But Moshe’s Prophecy gives credibility to Torah because it moves us more.This will explain a series of nuances in the...
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