The longer version deals with the beginning and the end of the Sicha (Yisro) and the short version deals with the RaMbaM about the idea of four (not three) cubits of Halacha.
Yisro True Freedom (144) From the Ohr HaTorah (of the Tzemach Tzedek) Parshas Yisro. Four theologies (Yisro, Naaman, Rachav, Moshe) and Yisro’s is the lowest, but he is also about ONE G-d.
YisroYou Are Not Free Until You Are a Servant of Hashem (147)(1-4)Likutei Sichos vol. 16 page 203 ff. Yisro objects to the way Moshe is judging the YiddenWhat Moshe was thinking, what Yisro thought, and what Hashem decided.
Yisro Biha’alosecha True Freedom (148)(1-3) Chumash: The story of Yisro’s advice and eventual departure.These few classes aren’t based on Sichos, rather, we read straight from the Chumash in our Parsha (Yisro) and in Biha’alosecha, where the story of Yisro’s departure is told in detail.Why does he leave and go home?
YisroTrue Freedom (149)Chumash: Rosh Chodesh Sivan (1) coming to the mountain. Likutei Sichos vol. 21 page 100 ff. Rosh Chodesh Sivan the Yidden arrived at Har Sinai and they achieved a state of כאיש אחד בלב אחד (One man with one heart) rather than בלב אחד כאיש אחד (One heart as One man), the Rebbe...
YisroTrue Freedom (150)(1-4)Chumash: Rosh Chodesh Sivan (2) – Jewish Unity (then) was connected to Torah that unitesLikutei Sichos vol. 21 page 108 ff.This Sicha can almost be seen as the sister Sicha of the Sicha before it.The one before underscored Jewish unity (before the Torah was given) as a Soul-unity; this one makes the exact...
YisroTrue Freedom (151) (1-5) Rosh Chodesh Sivan (3) A Trip to a Place called “Tired”Likutei Sichos vol. 28 page 07 ff.
Being Chosen (152) (1-7) – the second day (1) Introduction, each day is something else; Likutei Sichos Vol. 38 page 38 ff. This Sicha explores the idea that each day of the days leading up to receiving the Torah is a Yom Tov for another reason; each day has it’s own unique preparation aspect.The second...
True Freedom (153) (1-6); The second day (2), RaShI’s take on the three gifts God offered us to be His; Likutei Sichos vol. 18 page 18 ff.1) chosen2) ministers (empowered people)3) holy nationWhat does it add up to??
True Freedom (154); The second day (3), Giving over the covenant must be exact, but teaching Torah requires reaching the student; Likutei Sichos vol. 36 page 86 ff.A small part of this short Sicha is read; we explain two ideas:1) When teaching Torah the teacher must use his own words to reach his student.2) When...
True Freedom (155); The second day (4), Mechilta: woman first softly and the foundational ideas; the Rebbe explains why. Likutei Sichos vol. 31 page 93 ff. The Rebbe juxtaposes a Midrash against a Mechilta in explaining the differences between how Moshe was to speak to the woman and how Moshe was to speak to the...
True Freedom (156); The Third day (1), Moshe father of Prophecy (1) Hil. Yesodei HaTorah Chapter 8.
True Freedom (156); The Third day (1), Moshe father of Prophecy (1) Hil. Yesodei HaTorah Chapter 8.On Wednesday 3 Sivan Hashem proposed the laws of הגבלה (making a fence, where the Yidden would be outside and Moshe would be inside). According to that plan Yidden would not become prophets but (only) witness Moshe’s prophecy.The Yidden...
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