Bamidbar 01- 47, 49; 03- 15 – Counting Leviim (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021). Counting LeviimCounting Yidden (was and) is a very precise endeavor; but Leviim were first said not to be counted; and later they were said to be counted from a different age and using a different method.Ultimately they are counted twice!!What does this mean?There...
(end of) Bamidbar- Nasso; Counting Leviim a second time (for work) Yeshiva 5781/ 2021.Parshas Nasso continues the count of the Leviim.Perhaps it is the fact that Bamidbar is (usually) before Mattan Torah, when WHO YOU WERE was more important that WHAT YOU DID; and Nasso is after Mattan Torah, when WHAT YOU DO is more...
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