Note from a helpful listener: B”H Rabbi I was just listening to your shiur on Hayom Yom for the 22nd of Kislev, and you mentioned that we weren’t sure who split the tehillim into days. In the Sefer Tzeidah LaDerech, R’ Menachem ben Zarach writes that he split the Tehillim into a daily schedule, and...
HaYom Yom - 23~24 Kislev (1)(2)(3)
The HaYom yom entries for both days are learned together as a unit.
HaYom Yom 28 Kislev: 0:00 – 26:38 minChanukah, Latkes Evening, Retelling Chassidishe Stories, Chanukah Gelt HaYom Yom 29 Kislev (1) 26:38 min – endChanukah, Hellenistic Culture, Separation between Yidden and Goyim
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