
Hayom Yom – 11 Elul, Class One.The Tzemach Tzedek returns (miraculously) from Petersburgh after displaying unlimited Mesiras Nefesh for Yiddisher Chinuch. He discusses the idea that down here, even what is good (Torah) can have inexactitude; and it must be remedied (1st) from the bottom up, and (2nd) from the top down.The time Reb Chanoch...

Hayom Yom – 11 Elul, Class Two.Torah is perfect and uncontainable. However On High it is perfect in every way (עץ החיים) while down here (עץ הדעת טוב ורע) it’s involvement with the world and it’s functions that are not perfect, can affect inexactitude in the Torah as well. Accordingly, the Torah (down here) needs...

Hayom Yom – 11 Elul, Class Three.The particular example the Tzemach Tzedek brings for the idea of Torah being involved in imperfection down here but is perfect On High is the idea of הלומד תורה לפרקים (learning Torah with a fixed and limited and limiting schedule). Here it connotes a lack of full involvement in...