
Class One A Rebbe learning privately with one of his children. The Tzemach Tzedek and the Rebbe MaharaSh- a special relationship.

Class Two Learning Kabbalah and explaining it according to Chassidus. The Rebbe RaShaB’s quote: Chassidus isn’t a commentary for Kabbalah, Kabbalah is a commentary for Chassidus. The Alter Rebbe: what is Etz Chayim- Hishtalshelus, we speak higher and even higher. What the study of Ruchniyus and Elokus (metaphysics) is all about, and how Chassidus uses...

Class Three 1) Summary of the last class, Chassidus uses Kabbalah to reveal something higher than Kabbalah- using form to access the formless beyond Or: Just as Philosophy uses physical things to get at meta-physics, Chassidus uses the form of Kabbalah to get to what is beyond the form. 2) Philosophy. RaMbaM was a great...

Class Four Philosophy according to Chassidus: Three levels of adaptation: 1) The Person (RaMbaM etc.) is holy but philosophy is philosophy. 2) The Philosophy is also holy, but cannot be fused with Kabbalah. 3) Not only is the Philosophy holy, but it is part of one theologically latticework that synthesizes Kabbala with Chakira in Chassidus...