Haircuts during Yemei Hagbalah. No Satan on Shavuos like on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Based on Tosfos in Shabbos.
Time of Shavuos is special to affect Torah with Yiras Shamayim and Teshuva, as it is like Yom Kippur in as much as the satan is concerned.
Only point. The class is unfortunately missing. Washing and getting oneself ready and holy for Mattan Torah.
The world is a garden that mixes divine purpose and the source of sin and man must choose a path. [Once a choice is made there’s a commitment of sorts].
Saying Mishnayos by heart in the streets (of America) purifies the air. Mishnayos joins reason (Torah SheBa’al Peh) and Godliness (משנה אותיות נשמה) Explanation: the miracle of Jewish survival as appreciated strictly intellectually vs. when we add the spiritual dimension.
Alter Rebbe says to a Chossid: you have a good candle, but you lack light and fire which comes from hitting the stone of the Animal Soul. What is a candle, two opinions about Neshama being candle: 1) the vessel, 2) the light and fire. Mind and Soul: candle and fire, we all need fire.
Chassidus even has a way of service for (spiritually) resurrecting the dead. Possible explanations for spiritual Resurrection: Teshuva from very very far away. The mind which is cold and dead was made alive in Chassidus.
בקורת Learning how to take criticism [difference between criticism and critique] is an incredible tool for success.
This very short class has a long introduction which is in preparation for 19 Kislev, about the end of the Hayom Yom. The entry is the last few minutes about the minhag of Tzitzis in the morning and making a Bracha (even not as soon as you put it on).
The four stages in the development of the Alter Rebbe’s Torah: דרכים very short thoughts that speak very passionately. The “ChaBaD” is very hidden here. as though they were simply to teach how to serve God with little “mind”. אגרות Longer thoughts that take on some ChaBaD (intellectual) form. [This idea is compared to the...
Not enjoying material things is not yet Avodah, it must be coupled by making the material a vessel for Godliness.
Being connected to the Rebbe. The מצוה ולדבקה בו as understood in Nigleh and Nistar. 1) Learning his Torah. 2) Joining other Chassidim for Chassidic Farbrengens. 3) Doing what the Rebbe says to do.
The life of a Chossid is based on his sensitizing himself to Hashgacha Protis. The stories of the Rebbe encouraging people to see Hashem in their every day life.
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