04. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Four.1) End of Kaddish is peace, we’re saying Shalom as we depart, and we ask Hashem for Shalom as well; but the Shalom of Huan Beings not angels.2) The beginning of the Kadish said at a funeral, בעלמא דעתיד לאתחדתא (a new world, as it says כי כאשר...
05. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Five.This class continues the discussion of the Kaddish said at funerals and Siyumei Meseches. 1) This Kaddish presumes the view that miracles begin at the moment the redemption happens and it is (initially) accompanied by Techiyas HaMeisim. This explains why Kaddish opens with the new world and Techiyas...
06. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Six.This class continues the discussion of the Kaddish said at funerals and Siyumei Meseches.6) [we only discussed one new point] ולמבני’ה קרתא דירושלים building Yerushalayim after the Beis HaMikdash seems odd.We explained it as the expansion of A. the Beis HaMikdash to all of Yerushalayim, and B. the...
07. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Seven.Cont. the Kaddish we say at funerals.ולמבני קרתא דירושלים ולמעקר פולחנא נוכראה מארעי’הBuilding Yerushalayim after building Beis HaMikdash is from the inside out. First positive: building the city, then the negative removing the idol worship (see next class).
08. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Eight.Cont. the Kaddish we say at funerals.ולמעקר פולחנא נוכראה מארעי’ה ולאתבא פולחנא קדישא דשמייא לארעי’הRemoving idol worship is described after the building of the Beis HaMikdash and of Yerushalayim seems strange.(Unless we are speaking of) Removing theoretical possibility for idol worship from the land. Explanation: RaMbaM’s view on...
09. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Nine.Cont. the Kaddish we say at funerals.ולאתבא פולחנא קדישא דשמייא לארעי’הAFTER the POSSIBILITY for idol worship is removed, then we speak of bringing holy and heavenly worship to the land; here again the logic to the sequence is about the huge changes associated with Moshiach.Mitzvos are for 1)...
10. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Ten.Cont. the Kaddish we say at funerals.ולאתבא פולחנא קדישא דשמייא לארעי’ה (continued)Returning holy and heavenly worship to the land; when Moshiach comes there will be neither hunger nor war, (moreover) there will be neither jeolosy nor competetiveness, becaus egoods will be plentiful;People will compete against themselves which is...
11. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Eleven.Cont. the Kaddish we say at funerals.ולאתבא פולחנא קדישא דשמייא לארעי’ה (continued)The idea of (עבודת מתנה אתן את כהונתכם and ואכלתם אכול etc.) work after work, like Shabbos after the weekdays, and Shabbos morning after Friday night etc. This is holy work, קדש עצמך במותר לךAnd heavenly work תורה...
12. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Twelve.This class continues exploring the words ולאתבא פולחנא דשמיא לאתרי’ וזיוי’ה ויקרי’ה ושכנתי’ה.This time we discussed the two aspects of reward Liasid עצמות and גילויים, that although עצמות is higher than גילויים; both aspects will be there.עצמות is the same for all Neshamos, while גילויים is individual. The...
13. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Thirteen.תתכלי’ חרבא וכפנא ומותנא… it will bring an end to war, hinger and death.This class explained these on the P’shat level, and introduced the Pnimiyus.שלום- Torah; חרב של שלום- Davening; מלחמה- Birurim and being out in the world.In other words: 1) עמל תורה and 2) עמל שיחה and...
14. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Fourteen.Two levels of war: 1) where you’re in control and chose to fight, in Avoda: Davening, where you engage the Yetzer HaRa by Davening with passion (the language of the animal soul), 2) where the enemy choses to fight and you need be much more careful about engaging,...
15. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Fifteen.A final thought on ‘the end of war’ in Avoda (spiritual) terms.A discussion on the end of hunger (spiritually) based on the idea of spiritual hunger motivating us: הנה ימים באים נאום אדני ה’ והשלחתי רעב בארץ לא רעב ללחם ולא צמא למים כי אם לשמע את דברי...
16. Kaddish (Achei Temimim 5783 (2023) Class Sixteen.This class deals with the third idea that will not be needed in Olom Haba (תתכלי’ חרבא כפנא ומותנא), the end of death spiritually means the end of the need for שבע יפול צדיק וקם to fall in order to rise.We explained this in two contexts:A. The Beinoni...
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