
Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Beis Rivkah Seminary, Shorter Version.This (shorter version of the class on the Kapital) class overviews the entire Perek 122.

Another short thought on the Rebbe’s Perek; Houston Teas 5783 (2023).In the entire world heaven and earth can become dis-aligned, as is evident from (the Rebbe’s Sichos on) תקופת שמואל ותקופת ר’ אדא and the Sicha about not following the Talmudic medical remedies and the RaMbaM’s diet as natures have changed.Buy Yerushalayim is always aligned...

01. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class One.Introduction Part One.This Perek is about Yerushalayim, it’s greatness, holiness and constancy.The Kedusha of Yerushalayim (and the Beis HaMikdash) is linked to the Schechina and never changes.Who said it?1) Dovid, A. Hashem tells him that his Torah is greater than the Beis HaMikdash (!!!): B. Dovid’s looking...

02. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Two.This class is the second part of the Introduction to the Perek and offers more on the city of Yerushalayim.Three meanings of Yerushalayim (from a Tosfos Ta’anis) 1) wholeness and order and integration (Adam of Kedusha) 2) Vision, He sees about the city; He sees US when...

Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Three.The Perek inside Possuk 1-2, we start with the Beis HaMikdash, but the Perek is really about Yerushalayim.שיר המעלות לדוד שמחתי באומרים לי בית השם נלך It is really about the Beis HaMikdash where one goes to to become a מהלך (be in motion, truly grow), עומדות היו...

04. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Four.This class is only on the third Possuk ירושלים הבנוי’ה כעיר שחוברה לה יחדיו it says in essence that this city is about bonding שחוברה לה.But the are so many aspects of this bonding: 1) The Mishkan and Beis HaMikdash; 2) Yerushalayim and the Beis HaMikdash; 3)...

05. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Five.This class includes Possuk 4-5, that continue describing the praise of the city of Yerushalayim.ששם עלו שבטים שבטי י-ה עדות לישראל להודות לשם השם the city that all gather in as a singularity, also represents each שבט (tribe) individually; each tribe having it’s own separate and holy...

06. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Six.This class includes Possuk 6-7, that continue describing the praise of the city of Yerushalayim.שאלו שלום ירושלים ישליו אוהביךיהי שלום בחילך שלוה בארמנותיך 06. Kapital 122 (5783/ 2023), Longer Version, Class Six.