Korach 17-17. Matei Aharon. (5768).Aharon’s stick, what does it mean beyond the miracle itself. Sources: Midrashim, Rashi, Rashbam, Ramban, Chizkuni Click here for additional information on the role of Aaron HaKohen source for the above link: www.likuteitorah.com Korach 17-17. Matei Aharon. (5768). Class One.
Korach 17-17. Matei Aharon. (5768).Aharon’s stick, what does it mean beyond the miracle itself. Sources: Midrashim, Rashi, Rashbam, Ramban, Chizkuni Click here for additional information on the role of Aaron HaKohen source for the above link: www.likuteitorah.com Korach 17-17. Matei Aharon. (5768). Class Two.
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