
Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Introduction: What is a Rebbe? Like Moshe Rabbeinu- he takes the same Torah and shows where it’s new emphasis lies today and makes it current and alive.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The Sicha starts. The Maamar Basi Ligani is the Rebbe RaYatz’s will, and its lessons are found at the beginning (Dira BiTachtonim) and the end (don’t postpone any good thing until later) of the Maamar. Page 139-140.

1) Dira is beyond reason; it reveals the purpose for creation but isn’t really an explanation, 2) Tachtonim, the Frierdike Rebbe led down this path and we follow. Page 140.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Hashem desires for 1) Himself 2) a Home 3) In the lowest world. This is the only place this can happen because all three ideas depend on one another. Discussion on relationships and the question of a relationship with Him Himself. Page 140-1.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff 1) A home, where one lives “in all his essence”, 2) Only down here can we have a relationship with Him because we’re not trying. Bittul is a Keli for Atzmus. Page 141.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The three points of 1) “Lo Yisborech” [which means] for Him alone, 2) Dira- [a home, which means] that is constant and never changing , and 3) Tachtonim [which means] that all tasks are equal are all interdependent. Only complete altruism can result in all tasks being equal...

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The Frierdike’ (previous) Rebbe’s life was a lifetime of constant Mesiras Nefesh in all three aspects: 1) Just for Him, 2) Complete Sacrifice, 3) Involvement in the most basic aspects of Yiddishkeit. Page 142

Continued discussion on the constantly changing yet entirely constant Mesiras Nefesh of the Frierdike’ Rebbe. Page 142.

The details (and story) of the Frierdike Rebbe’s diverse types of Mesiras Nefesh: 1) Russia, 2) Poland, 3) America. He adapted to each of these three worlds wholly and successfully because of his Mesiras nefesh. Page 142.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The Mesiras Nefesh attitude made the Rebbe consistent throughout all the changes in his life. His passions were: 1) Rabbanim and practical Halacha, 2) Helping people do Mitzvos practically, 3) Children [the lowest aspects in Yiddishkeit became his domain because that is what the hour called for]. Page...

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff 1) Halacha, The fear of erring takes all the delight out of determining an Halacha and makes the Rov into a “Ben SheNaase Eved”. 2) Mitzvos, Action is the main thing, this is how we are close to Him, not His light. 3) Youth, The Frierdike Rebbe’s letter...

The lowest kind of Avoda is linked to total self sacrifice. Page 143-4.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The first problem as the Rebbe sees it: There are no Rabbanim that can Paskin a Shaala. The need for Rabbanim who can actually Paskin responsibly! Page 144-5.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff The Second problem as the Rebbe sees it: A total departure from what chinuch has meant and continues to mean. Taharas HaKodesh: what it means, what’s become of it and what we must do about. [Page 145].

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff More on Chinuch al taharas hakodesh. Page 145.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Even if concerned with Limudei Chol as “Dina DiMalchusa Dina” we mustn’t be more concerned with that than with Din Malchus Shamayim. Limudei Chol can be learned with less time and (more importantly less) passion and still conform to “Dina DiMalchusa Dina”. Page 145-6.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff “The best goes for Hashem” means, that the earliest hours of our (children’s) day goes to Hashem. Stories: 1) The Alter Rebbe and Shimon HaKofer, The Tzemach Tzedek and his war with the Haskala, and the Frierdike Rebbe and the 3 Tamuz talk. [Page 146].

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Conclusion. priorities and its rewards. The Russian Mesiras Nefesh is proof of the positive return for good priorities. Page 146-7.

Likutei Sichos Vol 16 p 139 ff Stories: 1) Raising children by emphasizing their natural sincerity and faith, 2) A bit on my father’s childhood.