Likutei Sichos vol. 19 page 24 ff.Moshe’s finite Brachos are the medium for us to receive the Divine’s infinite Brachos.
Likutei Sichos vol. 19 page 55 ff. The authority of neighborliness in Torah1) In space regarding בר מיצרא.2) In time regarding תוספות שבת.3) In Nefesh the relationship between the בילגה family and מרים בת בילגה.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 153 ffThe RaMbaM and the Mitzvah of Ha’anakah (giving a departing slave monety to restart his life). Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 153 ff
Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 158 ff. ‘Winds of Elul’.This short Sicha explores a poetic quote of the Previous Rebbe regarding Elul in Lubavitch; It begins with explaining how all Yamim Tovim really start with Pesach, as everything we do He motivates, which is the theme of Pesach- ‘from the top down’.the Rebbe then...
Likutei Sichos – Vol 19 p 291 ff Ths story of Chana is read on Rosh Hashana because it has a lesson for US: How to Daven on this special day.
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