
Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 70 ff. (in 2 classes)What connects the name of Parshas Tazria (a positive name) to the content of the Parsha- Tzara’as (a negative thing).What connects the name of Parshas Metzora (a negative thing) to the content of the Parsha- purifying the Metzora (a positive thing). The names have changed...

Tazria-Metzora These two pages about the joining of Tazria (the Avoda in Golus) and Mitzora (Moshiach) together in most years, teaches us that the pnimiyus of the (Avoda in) Golus is already (for the sake of) the Geula.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 114 ff Why the Alter Rebbe moved Sefiras HaOmer to the back of his Siddur. How this reveals the essence of what the entire Siddur is about.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 138 ff Talmidei Rav Akiva and their test and death.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 22 p 114 ff. Sefiras HaOmer the end of the Siddur.This Sicha (taught in one class) addresses the reason the Alter Rebbe places Sefiras HaOmer at the very end of the Siddur.The basic reason: it reflects the idea of Davening as a whole, speaking from the heart (Kavana), doing much to...