
Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 17 ffמצוות כתיבת ספר תורה בזמן הזה.Why people don’t (act with diligence and be particular about) writing a Sefer Torah Nowadays?In short: it is a Machlokes Rishonim, but the Halacha (like the Rosh) the point of writing is to learn from it; and now the reality (regarding access to...

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 33 ff Nitzchiyus HaTorah, how Torah always remains the same, though not all of it always applies. This Sicha explores this dichotomy as it applies to the medical remedies and diets prescribed in the Gemara and Rambam. The Rebbe here finds a solution to these dilemmas.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 23 p 62 ff1) The idea of אין וקדם ומאוחר בסדר התורה is derived form here. The Rebbe explains this nuance and the very beginning of the Sicha. The Korban Pesach brought in 5749 that is placed in Parshas Biha’alosecha rather than in the beginning of the Chumash Bamidbar.It is not...

Balak The idea that there will be no Goyim Liasid Lavo (as understood from the Even Ezra, A Possuk in Zecharia and Raish Lakish), is completely rejected here, on two grounds: 1) There is a need for Goyim and much indication in Torah and Halacha, that they’ll be there 2) The Torah (and Hashem) are...