
Ani Lidodi 5712, Class One, Perek One (1).Introduction: balance, מזיגה נכונה.The two sides of the top down and the bottom upPersonal vs Organized religion the upside and downside of each.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Two, Perek One (2).Questions from yesterday’s lecture are reviewed.We begin to read inside: from the bottom up versus from the top down.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Three, Perek One (3)After the words אני לדודי ודודי לי he adds the words הרועה בשושנים (He who Shepard[s] or pastures among the roses) this creates another dimension in this “top down” “bottom up” complexity.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Four, Perek One (4).The numbers 10 and 13 and what they mean in Hishtalshelus, in Avoda, and specifically in Davening (13 Middos of Rachamim) and Torah (13 Middos that interpret Torah).

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Five, Perek One (5).מזיגה נכונה (proper blend) in Elul alone in Tishrei alone and in the combination; in Tefilla alone, in Torah alone and in the combination.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Six, Perek One (6).Review of Chapter One (Questions) after Yom Tov (part one).The idea of מזג הנכון (balance) is discussed, and demonstrated in multiple ways using the Possuk אני לדודי ודודי לי הרועה בשושנים in multiple ways,

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Seven, Perek One (7) Perek Two (1)Review of Chapter One (Questions) after Yom Tov (part two).

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Eight, Perek Two (2).Torah has to be a gift.Two reasons (that we explained that are not inside explicitly):A. It is given to the ‘masses’ on the lowest level first and it’s scholastic depth (until infinity) is only discovered by the deeper Yidden later on, thus it need be a gift, to...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Nine, Perek Two (3)The two reasons why Torah must be a gift (explained in class 8) are revisited and discussed using the question sheet.The idea of ‘the Why’ of the world and its’ two levels.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Ten, Perek Two (4)Yidden were unprepared for Torah because…A. In Egypt they sunk into 49 gates of spiritual; impurity; and it didn’t have to be that way. they could have remained pure to their faith and practice (7 Mitzvos of Noach). Had they done that Mattan Torah would have left them...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Eleven, Perek Two (5)Questions reviewed.Torah and Tefilla.Torah (when done right) is higher than Tefilla.But Torah has greater risk of being done wrong, due to the ego enhancement one can get; While Tefilla, if one has Kavana is IS for Him.This is why ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם was true then and not...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twelve, Perek Two (6)When one learns Torah correctrly, there’s the deepest Bittul in that learning.What is Bittul (Part One) like slavery, where one’s will is lost to another, but in this case it is by choice, and not to another human being, as your will is supplanted by His.This is accomplished...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirteen, Perek Two (7)Bittul Class Two.Review of yesterday’s questions.The difference between ביטול היש which we can accomplish on our own, and ביטול עצמי that only happens because our Etzem is HIM.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fourteen, Perek Two (8)The מן (Manna) brought Yidden Bittul Atzmi, because it was G-dliness down here unchanged.This class explored the Manna.It Came from heaven to earth (physical) as it was in it’s source.It was peeled off the ground like a glaze “protected” by dew. (I think it’s constitution was like cotton...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifteen, Perek Two (9)Review of class on the Manna.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixteen, Perek Two (10)Beginning of Tefilla discussion “Personal Religion”, from the bottom up. Tefilla is called Avoda, which means Bittul.The two sources: 1) The Gemara: Avoda ShebiLev; 2) Avoda stam- Kabbalalas The two pesukim: 1) ולעבדו בכל לבבכם- עבודה שבלב and 2) ועבדתם את הוי’ה אלוקיכם

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Seventeen, Perek Two (11)Tefilla continued.Even when one gets to Shmone Esrei, which is like ביטול במציאות, but in truth it’s still a form of Bitul HaYesh.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Eighteen, Perek Two (12)The discussion continues on the idea that Shmone Esrei is Bittul BiMtzius compared to earlier stages in Davening, but only Bittul HaYesh when compared to Torah.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Nineteen, Perek Two (13)Conclusion on the issue of Shmone Esrei.Introduction to Perek 3, the ladder and gradual steps of Tefilla.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty, Perek Three (01)סולם מוצב ארצה וראשו מגיע השמימה There are four steps to the ‘ladder’ of Davening, we will be visiting each one in time.The first step is simple Hoda’a acceptance, no questions, simple. deep.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty One, Perek Three (02).We used say Elokai Neshama in bed, but it was decided that we are not pure and holy enough for that so it was supplanted by Mode Ani.The Nigla is that it has no holy name of God, the Chassidus is that no Tumah can touch it,...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Two, Perek Three (03)Hoda’a Klalis vs. Pnimiyus.Simple vs. Complex.Example: simple vs. complex in human relationships.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Three, Perek Three (04)The starts with the (transcendent) simple and is followed by the more sophisticated.This is (only possible) based on the idea of the inherent Essence of the Neshama’s connection to God and Godliness.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Four, Perek Three (05)In addition to the idea that Modeh Ani comes from the Essence (Yechida) of the Neshama, there is additional (connected) idea that it ‘touches’ the ‘Essence’ of God and Godliness.As the Rebbe told President Shazar: The Rebbe my father in law didn’t like the expression (עם הארץ)...

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Five, Perek Three (06)THIS CLASS IS REPETITIOUS, IT IS A REVIEW AFTER A LONG BREAK.Top down Bottom up; Torah vs Tefilla; ‘organized religion’ vs ‘Personal religion’. Tefilla has four rungs.

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Six, Perek Three (07)THIS CLASS IS ALSO REPETITIOUS, IT IS A REVIEW AFTER A LONG BREAK. Mode Ani is also reaching Pnimiyus HaNefesh, but here Pnimiyus doesn’t mean the complex, but the ultimate in simplicity.[So, we have two different definitions for Pnimiyus (that are quite different from one another)].

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Seven, Perek Three (08)This class has a long introduction about the day: 12 Teves, and what happened on this day 35 years ago.There’s simple within simple (Mode Ani) and complex within simple (Hodu LaHashem).

Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Eight, Perek Three (09).There’s the pre-Davening Hoda’a (Mode Ani) and the Hoda’a which is part of the Davening (Hodu LaHashem…).

29. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Twenty Nine, Perek Three (10), Pisukei DiZimra (1)Introduction to Pesukei DiZimra, more sophisticated than Hoda’a; but less sophisticated than Birchos Krias Shma etc. סיפור שבחו של מקום (telling the story of God’s praise, kindness to us) vs. סידור שבחו של מקום (arranging the nature of His praise).The former is more...

30. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty, Perek Three (11), Pisukei DiZimra (2).Hisbonenus of Pesukei DIZimra is about hat Hashem does for ME and not what He is in theory and in truth.The example cited inside is the Hisbonenus of Yesh MeAyin (what ‘comes after nothing’ or what is created with a quantum separation from it’s...

31. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty One, Perek Three (12), Pisukei DiZimra (3)This entire class was a review of the previous discussion about Hisbonenus (contemplation) (in general) and how there are different types of Hisbonenus, and how the Hisbonenus of Yesh MeAyin doesn’t fit into any category neatly, because it has similarities (*and aspects) associated...

32. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Two, Perek Three (13), Pisukei DiZimra (4)1) Pesukei DiZimra is about telling stories. Stories (about stories) of Hashgacha Protis.You don’t need to understand just feel.2) This stage is serving Hashem by exciting the personality that we were given by God. The limitations of טבע three traits: 1) nature 2)...

33. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Three, Perek Three (14), Pisukei DiZimra (5)Pesukei DiZimra is telling stories where you don’t (want to) understand. In The Pesukim themselves it’s the Hisbnenus of Yesh MeAyin, where the process is also not understood.

34. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Four, Perek Three (15), Pisukei DiZimra (6)A. Questions, review.B. Telling stories without understanding, even the story of Yesh MeAyin, moves us on an ‘outward’ level.חקיקת חצי הכלי מבחוץ we’re being moved emotionally enough to react and feel, but it’s not internally transforming because we don’t understand yet.

35. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Five, Perek Three (16), Pisukei DiZimra (7).Review of the previous Shiur. Emotion without understanding; it’s advantage. The idea of לזמר עריצים is introduced in this class.The emotion touches the animal soul’s emotion and diminishes it. Klipa tries to suck life from Kedusha, Pisukei DiZimra stop this.

36. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Six, Perek Three (17), Pisukei DiZimra (8)We continue the discussion on לזמר עריצים here.[See Tanya Chapter 8 (but especially Chapter) 25 (32a)] There’s A. actual sin; B. there’s permitted pleasure that have passion; C. and then there’s idol words which don’t even have passion. And even these dispassionate words...

37. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Seven, Perek Three (18) Birchas Krias Shma (01).1) Review of previous class.2) Opening to Birchas Krias Shma, using the mind to relate to God.3) When it’s too difficult to relate (and see value) in the King Himself, you can be inspired by how those around Him behave towards Him.4)...

38. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Eight, Perek Three (19) Birchas Krias Shma (02).What are Malachim (Angels) a lively discussion.Comparing Angels to Spirits (מזיקין או רוחות) that the RaMbaM has an issue with; but he doesn’t have issue with Malachim.What the word נבדלים (Separated Ones) means. removed from Godliness and from body (worldliness). Two types...

39. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Thirty Nine, Perek Three (20) Birchas Krias Shma (03).This entire class was a review (plus discussion) on what we discussed about the Malachim last week.There’s life everywhere (except -according to the RaMbaM- in the place of the ד’ צורות). Down here it is complex and manifest (בהתלבשות) and up there...

40. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty, Perek Three (21) Birchas Krias Shma (04).The Malachim (called) Serafim attempt to understand God and Godliness directly. This makes their understanding very precise but limited to the understanding of THEIR God (their direct source) and no higher.

41. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty One, Perek Three (22) Birchas Krias Shma (05).Serafim understand their direct source very well but when they discover what is above their direct source, they burn up.This is why they are called Serafim.

42. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Two, Perek Three (23) Birchas Krias Shma (06).1) Ofanim don’t try and understand directly, they satisfy themselves with understanding God indirectly, and in doing so are actually closer to the Truth.ברוך כבוד הוי’ ממקומו from wherever He is.2) We then explained the three parts of the first Bracha of...

43. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Three, Perek Three (24) Birchas Krias Shma (07).This entire class is a review of the earlier class about the first two Brachos of Krias Shma, especially the parts our Ma’amar doesn’t address. First Bracha: three parts, stars, Malachim, Sefiros; Second Bracha Neshamos Yisroel who are Godliness (and can g0)...

44. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Four, Perek Three (25) Krias Shma (01).After studying the heavens, Angels and Sefiros (in the first Barach) and Neshamos, that have the freedom to ‘go anywhere’ (in the Second Brach), we move on to the Shema itself where we discuss Hasehem Himself. How do we ‘get to Him’? By...

45. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Five, Perek Three (26) Krias Shma (02).Hisbonenus of Kriyas Shema continued. The fact that it starts with Hisbonenus allows only a Bittul HaYesh and no more.

46. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Six, Perek Three (27) Krias Shma (03).This class completes our discussion of Kriyas Shema based on the text, that it is ביטול דהשגה and therefore can only bring you to ביטול היש.We then introduced a new idea (not in THIS text) that Kriyas Shema is Mesiras Nefesh.We connected it...

47. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Seven, Perek Three (28) Krias Shma (04).1) Review of previous class about Kriyas Shema is Mesiras Nefesh.2) We discussed the first two Parshiyos of Kriyas Shma (the stop is before the words השמרו לכם פן). A. The first part of Kriyas Shema is about a person who has deep...

48. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Eight, Perek Three (29) Krias Shma (05).1) Review of the discussion of the first two Parshiyos of Kriyas Shema, and the למען ירבו ימיכם.2) We discussed the two points in the last Parsha of Kriyas Shema (ויאמר):A. Tzitzis: everything must end with a Mitzva. We discussed the notion of...

49. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Forty Nine, Perek Three (30) Krias Shma (06).Having discused all three Parshiyos (sections) of Kriyas Shema, we move on to the (one) morning Bracha that follows Kriyas Shema.It’s trademark the repetition of (the rarely used but most serious) word אמת TRUE. It is repeated 8 times 4 in VaYatziv and...

50. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty, Perek Three (31) Krias Shma (07).Reviewing the third Bracha of Kriyas Shema which deals with Emes. Truth hurts but it motivates and exacts greater promise from the person; and this is the basis for his freedom.

51. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty One, Perek Three (32) Shmona Esrei (01).1) Short review of all parts of Davening; and a mention of my limited understanding of Ezras.2) We continued to Shone Esrei, inside. The idea of standing in from of Him is illustrated using the Mashal of standing in front of the Rebbe.Stories...

52. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Two, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (02).An entirely new angel on Shmone Esrei is discussed in today’s class. The idea that Tefilla (more than Torah and Mitzvos) change the physical world (See Lihavin Ma SheKasuv BiPri Etz Chayim, at the end of the Tanya).This is why we ask for...

53. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Three, Perek Three (33) Shmona Esrei (03).1) Review, the connection between the idea of Shmone Esrei being ביטול במציאות and the idea of changing the physical world by having the Tefilla answered. The connection is that tefilla changes things really; and in this case: reaching the level of ביטול...

54. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Four, Perek Three (34) Shmona Esrei (04) Nefillas Apayim.1)This Shiur was unfortunately shortened by technical circumstances.2) Review of discussion that ביטול במציאות of Shmone Esrei isn”t ביטול עצמי and why.3) But there IS ביטול עצמי in Davening and that is Nefillas Aayim (Tachanun), because that is a level where...

55. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Five, Perek Three (35) Nefillas Apayim.Review of the class on Nefillas Apayim; why this can be a ביטול עצמי though it’s in Davening because it’s not a part of ‘the ladder’ of Davening. End of Perek 3 of the Ma’amar about the ladder of Davening.

56. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Six, Perek Four (01) Meziga Nichona (01).Now that we finished explaining (Torah and) Tefilla, we return to the balance between Torah (Top Down, ‘organized religion’) and Tefilla (Bottom Up, ‘personal religion’).He explains the need for the balance because Adam means body and soul together; the point and purpose is...

57. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Seven, Perek Four (02) Meziga Nichona (02).The Ma’amar explains the need for balance (מזיגה נכונה), which manifests in the balance of Torah and Tefilla.We discussed the idea that at different times different Avodos are primary: A. in the time of the Mishna Torah was preeminent (ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם)...

58. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Eight, Perek Four (03) Meziga Nichona (03).This short class is only a review of the class before (because I came very late) and I’m sorry about that.Unique Avoda (Torah, Tefilla, Tzedaka) in different times; vs. the idea of (always having) balance (מזג הנכון) between Torah and Tefilla.

59. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Fifty Nine, Perek Four (04) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 01).What happens when the מזיגה (blend) is not good, example A.: Neshama too high and Guf too low.Possible solution (from Ayin Beis); see later in the Ma’amar.

60. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty, Perek Four (05) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 02).What happens when the מזיגה (blend) is not good, example B.: Neshama too high and Guf also too high.When the Neshama is too aidel and is drawn easily to Godliness, and the Guf (body) is also sensitive, and inclined towards spirituality, the...

61. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty One, Perek Four (06) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 02).This class is (entirely and exclusively) a review of class 60, about the second model of מזיגה בלתי נכונה where the Neshama and Guf are both high and lofty, and the Body is inspired by the Neshama without any push. So,...

62. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Two, Perek Four (07) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 03).This class explores the third ‘illness’ of מזג בלתי נכון: if BOTH the Neshama and the Guf are very low.There isn’t even the motivation of guilt.[(what follows is not inside) Question what could possibly be the solutions?? Suggested answers: 1) Idea...

63. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Three, Perek Four (08) Meziga bilti Nichona (model 03).Review of third מזיגה בלתי נכונה, what the Rebbe RaShaB says about the Neshamos of our generations (that they are תרתי לריעותא low Guf and low Neshama) and what the Rebbe changes (that due to the lowliness of our Neshamos we...

64. Ani Lidodi 5712, Class Sixty Four, Perek 4-5, End of the Ma’amar.Teshuva requires Mezeg Nachon to work, so that the Teshuva is actually Avodah, and changes the person IN THE WORLD. He further explains the Possuk on which the Ma’amar is based אני לדודי ודודי לי הרועה בשושנים the power from above to assist...