
01. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class OnePerek 1, Class 1.Introduction, what is a Bris (Covenant)?

02. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Two.Perek 1, Class 2.1) Review questions.2) Bris, Yidden Goyim.3) THREE Brisos.

03. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Three.1) Beginning of Ma’amar inside.2) HaYom (היום) is Rosh Hashana, 2 proofs:A. Targum to Iyov ויהי היום is translated והוה ביומא דינא רבה which is (understood to be) Rosh Hashana.B. From the Siddur זה היום תחילת מעשיך goes on Rosh Hashana. 3) The special covenant of Rosh Hashana (which...

04. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Four.Questions answered.

05. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Five.Perek 1, Class 5.1) some questions.2) INSIDE all three Brisos. 3) The Pesukim for each one.

06. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Six.Perek 2, Class 1.The idea of a blood oath, which is brought up in Parshas Mishpatim when the Yidden were collectively “converted”; all subsequent conversion follows this model:A. Bris Mila.B. Mikva.C. Korban.D. Kabbalas Mitzvos (Na’aseh ViNishma [we will do and we will hear).Arguably the most important of the four...

07. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Six.Perek 2, Class 2.1) Review, Gairus.2) Beginning of the Perek inside, Noach and Avraham’s Bris have a sign but not Moshe’s because Teshuva is out of this world. 3) Nevua requires speech, later Nevua also involved a Gestalt, action to make it become real. A similar explanation can be...

08. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Eight.Perek 2, Class 3.Review of the idea of the Krisus Bris of Noach, giving the world permanence.

09. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Nine.Perek 2, Class 4.More on the Mabbul, and it’s cleansing and refining of the world, this allowed the appearance of the rainbow, as a result of purer air. 09. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Nine.

10. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Ten.Perek 2, Class 5.Keshes: rainbow and it’s sign of purification. 10. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Ten.

11. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Eleven.Perek 2, Class 6.Questions on the covenant of Noach and the rainbow.This ends the discussion on Noach’s Bris. 11. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Eleven.

12. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twelve.Perek , Class 7; (Bris of Avraham 1).The Krisus Bris of Avraham is introduced. This Bris is for (Eretz Yisroel; which is interpreted to be) Torah and Mitzvos that are done in Eretz Yisroel. Torah and Mitzvos are meant to be done primarily in Eretz Yisroel (especially according to...

13. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Thirteen.Perek 2, Class 8; (Bris of Avraham 2).Review of Avraham’s Bris, Avraham is the beginning of Mattan Torah and the birth of the Jewish people. 13. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Thirteen.

14. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Fourteen.Perek 2, Class 9; (Bris of Avraham 3).1) Questions answered.2) Iyov is the possible Avraham who reappears many times in history. He is the very perfect Tzadik Hashem tests to ascertain if he can be the father of his people. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Fourteen.

15. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Fifteen.Perek 2, Class 10; (Bris of Avraham 4).Iyov continued.The transition from Iyov to Avraham is Lech Lecha, to do what Hashem says. 15. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Fifteen.

16. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Sixteen.Perek 2, Class 11; (Bris of Moshe Part 1).Moshe’s Bris is for Teshuva; Teshuva is above time and space. Teshuva is above Havaya, Atzilus, and is therefore above the limitations of time and space. It heals retroactively. 16. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Sixteen.

17. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Seventeen.Perek 2, Class 12; (Bris of Moshe Part 2).Two levels of healing: 1) going forward (leaves a scar) and 2) retroactive (as if one was never sick כל המלחה וגו’ כי אני הוי’ רופאיך).Compared to הפרת נדרים (that breaks the vow going forward) and התרת נדרים (which releases [‘unties’]...

18. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Eighteen.Perek 2, Class 13; (Bris of Moshe Part 3).This class reviewed the questions of the last two classes about Teshuva and higher than time etc. 18. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Eighteen.

19. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Nineteen.Perek 3, Class 1; (Avoda of Noach’s Bris- Mode Ani Part 1).Explaining Mode Ani as a replacement for Elokai Neshama to be said in bed.It’s lower side: no Divine Name; It’s loftier side: it’s above a name and above the possibility of Tumah.It’s a ‘Klal’ prayer as is the...

20. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty.Perek 3, Class 2; (Avoda of Noach’s Bris- Mode Ani Part 2).Review (with questions and answers sheet) of Mode Ani (simple but above Tumah) and it’s comparison to Krisus Bris of Noach. 20. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty.

21. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty One.Perek 3, Class 3; (Avoda of Noach’s Bris- Mode Ani Part 3).This Avoda cannot be called work, as it is built into one’s nature and is called ‘Klal’ (basic), nut it is the foundation of and sets up all Avoda that follows. At the end of this class...

22. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Two.Perek 3, Class 4; (Avoda of Avraham’s Bris- Tefilla Part 2).Davening is the gradual (series of steps of) development of our relationship with God (and our purpose). 22. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Two.

23. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Three.Perek 3, Class 5; (Avoda of Avraham’s Bris- Tefilla Part 3).Davening is the development of our relationship with God through our work and effort. Continued. 23. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Three.

24. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Four.Perek 3, Class 6; (Avoda of Avraham’s Bris- Tefilla Part 4).Review, questions (1). 24. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Four.

25. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Five.Perek 3, Class 7; (Avoda of Avraham’s Bris- Tefilla Part 5).Review, questions (2). 25. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Five.

26. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Six.Perek 3, Class 8; (Avoda of Avraham’s Bris- Tefilla Part 6).Review, questions (3).עוז ותושי’ה Oz and Toshia, it strengthens the Divine and weakens the Animal at the same time. 26. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Six.

27. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Seven.Perek 3, Class 9; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 1).Introduction: in abstract learning form is very important, and you must establish the form in order to discuss anything.In this Ma’amar, the form is that everything is included in three ideas:1) Before work is the basic (natural) innate...

28. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Eight.Perek 3, Class 10; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 2).Discussion, the world was created by Hashem through a process. This involves יש מאין which means in part that God creates the world in a theoretical sense and then actualizes it. This source of the world is the...

29. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Nine.Perek 3, Class 11; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 3).Teshuva involves becoming a new person to the extent that one is altogether new.שינוי המהות; the RaMbaM says ait about Teshuva I’m not the same man… It’s accessing the Divine above the source of one’s own ‘Ayin’. 29....

30. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Thirty.Perek 3, Class 12; (Avoda of Moshe’s Bris- Teshuva Part 4).The Rebbe introduces הוי’ הוי’ א-ל… of the 13 Middos HaRachamim (we explained that א-ל is the first Midda and השם השם are before the Middos.And that this idea of Teshuva is accessing the higher הוי’ה. 30. Ma’amar...

31. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Thirty One.Perek 4, Class 1. 31. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Thirty One.

32. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Thirty Two.Perek 4, Class 2. 32. Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712, Class Twenty Thirty Two.