Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class One, Perek One (1).IntroductionMesiras Nefesh in Russia and the idea of tests.
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Two, Perek One (2).Mesiras Nefesh in Russia continued.A test is a correction only of the person and not of the world.The ideas of גברא and חפצא in Halacha and in Chassidus (here גברא seems to be more than חפצא as opposed to how it is in niglah).
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711 (3) Perek One (3).Lecture, seven levels of doing Mitzvos:1) Middos Tovos2) Deos Nechonos3) Yichudim, Atzilus, Kabbalah holds עבודה צורך גבוה בניחותא4) Birurim. correction reveals what is above Atzilus into Atzilus5) Teshuva, even higher than the above.6) Nisyonos, fixing nothing in the world only in the person.7) Dira biTachtonim.
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711 (4) Perek One (4).To overcome the Nisayon (which corrects only the person) we need Koach Atzmi, how we are ONE with G-dliness
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