
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Twenty Five, Perek Six (2) Perek Seven (1).The tests bring us “to Know Him”כי מנסה השם אלוקיכם אתכם לדעתThat we should know, as He knows already.NOTES:At minute 15:47 Brothers Shapiro, the yarmulka and the Russian army gauntlet At minute 20:10 “The Rebbe was obsessed with teshuva” with thoughts on the...

Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class Twenty Six, Perek Seven (2).More on Knowing Him.Conclusion to the discussion of nisayonos (tests) what they are and what is their impact on the neshama.  Why and how the process of teshuva changes the neshama in a fundamental wayEnd of the Ma’amar.