Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class One.Perek 1, Class 1. Questions about Ya’akov seeking Shalva.The Rebbe in his Sicha is different than this Ma’amar’s explanation. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class One.
02. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Two.Perek 1, Class 2; Perek 8, Class 1. Beginning of the answer: Ya’akov wanted an Avoda with an easy Birur, (no Galus Mitzrayim) after all he’d been through. 02. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Two.
03. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Three.Perek 8, Class 2.In this Ma’amar ביקש יעקב לישב בשלוה was due to the fact that he had completed all his Galuyos, but the children were not (on his level) where he was, so it was not to be. 03. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Three.
04. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Four.Perek 1, Class 2; Perek 8, Class 3.Ya’akov goes to Mitzrayim (in the end, 22 years later) and he personally has the שלוה he sought, but after his passing it gets really hard for his children. 04. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Four.
05. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Five.Perek 8, Class 4; Perek 2, Class 1.Perek 8: review of Yaakov’s thinking and how it played out. It as like the Aron HaKodesh ion the Midbar (it was peaceful in Galus), but not for the children. Perek 2: Introduction to Chanuka, the war and struggle were altogether spiritual....
06. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Six.Perek 2, Class 2.A holiday that celebrates ONLY the spiritual event, the finding of the oil and it’s lasting 8 days.Why? Because the entire event is about the Ruach and Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh for Hashem and Kedusha. 06. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Six.
07. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Seven.Perek 2, Class 3.INSIDE reading.Yom Tov of mesiras nefesh for Ruchniyus.Why only the Oil is celebrated. 07. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Seven.
08. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Eight.Perek 2, Class 4.Review.Chanuka, Mesiras Nefesh, Oil that’s the entire celebration. 08. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Eight.
09. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Nine.Perek 3, Class 1.The Syrian Greeks (officially) liked much of Yiddishkeit and had issue with some if it. What did they like and what didn’t they like.And what was really going on? 09. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Nine.
10. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Ten.Perek 3, Class 2.Review. What the Syrian Greeks liked and disliked and what we fought for. 10. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Ten.
11. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Eleven.Perek 3, Class 3.Two Pesukim that (we used to) give perspective on all this.1) ראשית גויים עמלק ואחריתו עדי אובד- when a Goi jates a Yid for a reason, the truth is (that of you dig deep enough you’ll find) ראשית גויים underneath it all עמלק baseless hatred and...
12. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twelve.Perek 3, Class 4; Perek 4, Class 1.What is an axiom.Yiddishkeit is built on a Divine axiom and this is adds another dimension on what they fought over. 12. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twelve.
13. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirteen.Perek 3, Class 5; Perek 4, Class 2.Review the idea if axiom and what it means here.Inside Perek 5 שמועה זו נאה שמועה זו אינו נאה when Torah is strictly intellectual it isn’t Torah at all. 13. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirteen.
14. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Fourteen.Perek 4, Class 3. Torah with and without God; how important is (including) Hashem in Torah. 14. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Fourteen.
15. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Fifteen.Perek 4, Class 4. Discussion about Torah with (or without) God.Murder, Theft, Charity. 15. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Fifteen.
16. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Sixteen.Perek 4, Class 5.Continued conversation about the most basic aspects of morality and how even they (as they are in Torah) MUST HAVE a supra-logical element. 16. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Sixteen.
17. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Seventeen.Perek 4, Class 6.אתערותא דלתתא אתערותא דלעילא reciprocal relationship with Hashem.He gives us Torah (from above reason to reason) we reciprocate (with lifting physical things up to Godliness) which results in another gift from Hashem bringing MORE Torah back to the level of Sechel.The story with the Beis Yosef...
18. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Eighteen.Perek 4, Class 7.Review.Torah creates intimacy between a Yid and Hashem. מקיף ומוקף כמו”ש בסש”ב פ”ה. 18. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Eighteen.
19. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Nineteen.Perek 4, Class 8.1) Review.2) Finishing Perek 4. 3) What did the Syrian Greeks really want from the Jews. 19. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Nineteen.
20. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty.Perek 5, Class 01.The Mesiras Nefesh (displayed during the episode of Chanuka) exceeds the expectations in Torah for Mesiras Nefesh on any and all levels, including Shmad (R”L). 20. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty.
21. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty One.Perek 5, Class 02.1) Review2) Stories of Mesiras Nefesh3) An Amalaik-like enemy is defeated (only) by אנשי משה (Moshe’s men). 21. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty One.
22. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Two.Perek 5, Class 03. The power of Mesiras Nefesh; the Pintele Yid. Anshei Moshe. 22. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Two.
23. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Three.Perek 6, Class 01.The Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh is ‘rewarded’ with the two miracles: A. they win a war they had no buisness winning; B. They find one jug of pure oil which is meant to burn for one day and burns for eight successive nights.These miracles (especially the...
24. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Four.Perek 6, Class 02. Hashem’s unconditional love for Yidden. 24. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Four.
25. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Five.Perek 6, Class 03. Hashem’s unconditional love for Yidden, Review and continued. 25. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Five.
26. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Six.Perek 7, Class 01. In this Perek we go back to the questions about Chanukah, addressing the various questions form earlier in the Ma’amar.1) Outside, Chanukah candles are outside because the Mesiras nefesh that created this holiday allows (and therefore mandates) the elevation even of the street and...
27. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Seven.Perek 7, Class 02.Answer to the questions about Chanuka continued. The ‘Chama’ (sun) sets and allows for it’s correction.Discussion: the sin has three names that are (in my opinion) three levels:1) שמש this refers to the sun which is a Mashal for Godliness, כי שמש ומגן הוי’ אלוקים2)...
28. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Eight.Perek 7, Class 03. This class continued our discussion on the (idea of the) three names (levels) for the sun 1) שמש and 2) חמה and 3) חרס.[see notes to previous class]. 28. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Eight.
29. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Nine.Perek 7, Class 04.This class continued our discussion on the (idea of the) three names (levels) for the sun 1) שמש and 2) חמה and 3) חרס.[see notes to class 27].This class is the questions and answers on this subject. 29. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Twenty Nine.
30. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty.Perek 7, Class 05. 30. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty.
31. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty One.Perek 7, Class 06. 31. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty One.
32. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Two.Perek 7, Class 07. 32. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Two.
33. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Three.Perek 7, Class 08. 1) Review.2) Shalom (doesn’t mean no war, rather it means) a secret weapon that makes the victory decisive and final. 3) More on Milchama (war spiritually speaking). 33. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Three.
34. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Four.Perek 7, Class 09.1) Elokus of darkness2) The free will of a non-Jew as explained in the Rebbe’s letter (vol. 1 page 23 ff.).3) The Birur through light (like Shlomo HaMelech) doesn’t reach this. 34. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Four.
35. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Five.Perek 7, Class 10.Review of last class: Elokus of darkness; question of non-Jews Bchira; This Birur cannot be done from distance, as Shlomo HaMelech did. 35. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Five.
36. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Six.Perek 7, Class 11.1) End of discussion on Mesiras Nefesh2) Tanya Perek 8, Teva of N HaBahamis etc. 3) Eating not Kosher lower than that Teva4) Only Moshiach can correct that. 36. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Six.
37. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Seven.Perek 7, Class 12.1) Review2) Tanya Perek 8, two points.3) Three ways to repair (the irreparable) Klipa: (1) wait for Moshiach, (2) Teshuva (with Ahava Rabba), (3) The Chanula-like Avoda of Mesiras Nefesh. 37. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Seven.
38. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Eight.Perek 7, Class 13.The Shalom (peace) associated with the actions of the Chashmonaim and the Divine miracles all on the level of Shalom. 38. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Eight.
39. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Thirty Nine.Perek 7, Class 14.Hashem tells Moshe to tell Aharon: שלך גדולה משלהם שאתה מדליק ומטיב את הנירות which is linked to the idea in Chazal that הנרות הללו אינן בטילות לעולם Aharon’s Menorah is never extinguished, isn’t referring to the candles of the Beis HaMikdash but to the...
40. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Fourty.Perek 7, Class 15.1) Review2) Chanukah candles forever. Perek 9, Class 01.Avodas Milchama.
41. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty One.Perek 9, Class 05.Avoda, war- we equivocate in our decisions; peace- decisive and final.Shalom is Torah; two levels of Torah: Niglah (war) vs. Nistar (peace). 41. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty One.
42. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty Two.Perek 9, Class 06.Eating on Shabbos is highest Shalom, how. 42. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty Two.
43. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty Three.Perek 9, Class 07.Eating on Shabbos continued.צדיק אוכל לשובע נפשו we’re not on that level, but that is the level of Shabbos. 43. Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712, Class Forty Three.
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