Class One. 1) RaMbaM predicting return of (special kind of) Prophecy as preparation for the coming, The Rebbe connects this to the great onset and radiation of Kabalah and Mikubalim at the time the RaMbaM predicted (4,976/1276)/ 2) The Arizal- beginning of the third Ashmora of the night. BeShT morning of sixth millennium, All these...
Class Two. 3) The letter from Erev Rosh Hashana 5507, spreading Chassidus will bring Moshiach, according to Moshiach. 4) story of the war of 1812 the Alter Rebbe wanted Napoleon to lose so it would be better for Yidden spiritually. 5) The three Tzadikim in 5575 (1814-15) who tried to bring Moshiach and it didn’t...
Class Three. 6) The Alter Rebbe’s קץ [Ketz] of 5603 when he said 5608, the Likutei Torah was printed. The confusion about the details of this story. 7) מאמר אין הקב”ה בא בטרוניא עם בריותיו תרמ”ח, the story and the event, the simple people’s responses and the smart man’s cynicism and the Rebbe RaShaB’s declaration...
Class Four. 9) The Rebbe RaShaB’s קץ for the year תרס”ו (it is 1905-6), based on the calculation that it is סוף זמן תפילה of Friday morning of the sixth millennium. 10) World War 1. This class explores the ‘behind the scenes’ of the Rabbeiim, and how these things play out in spiritual terms. He...
Class Five. 11) All of the Rabbeiim’s travels are part of a master plan, though they don’t move until forced. No Jew chooses exile, but when it is forced on the Tzadik, the Nassi, it is not nature taking its course, but the Divine Hand leading him. 12) Polishing the buttons 5689, 1928. 13) America...
Class Six. 14) Relocating to America. The Rebbe didn’t want to go, God Almighty brought him here, and he saw his being here as an “השגחה העליונה שליחות”. His first day in America, the warning of his good friends and his response. The gradual but miraculous change of America. The gradual melting of the ice.
Class Seven. 15) ספר תורה לקבלת פני משיח. The effort, the writing, the closeting, and the finishing in 5730. near 10 Shvat. 16) Some on the newspaper הקריאה והקדושה.
Class Eight. Supplement, The entire nusach of the four Kol Korai. 17) The four declarations, קול קורא. The idea that Jews are like everyone else will bring us to suffer with all the world needlessly, but we must believe that we are different, and we do this through Teshuva. The birth-pangs of Moshiach can be...
Class Nine. 18) Citizenship. The Rebbe organized it, a private but meaningful event. Pictures and video. 19) The first Ma’amar Basi Ligani, the seventh generation, our task, setting about doing the unthinkable, he is not finished and he will see it through. 20) Since 5715 nothing stands in the way of Moshiach…
Class Ten. 21) abbreviations of years beginning with 5742 onward. 22) The chain letter idea to announce to people the sources to demand Moshiach. 23) תשמח תשמח הקהל and תשמט ידיך and the predictions beginning שבועות תשמ”ט.
Class Eleven. 24) Miracles that indicate the changes in the world that are proof of the imminent coming of Moshiach [תולדות ה’תש”ן]. 25) Russia: the death of Stalin and the Rebbe 26) The Cuban Missile crisis and the Rebbe. 27) Lag BaOmer 5740 at the Parade 28) Erev Rosh Hashana “Paratkes” and Ma’amar of ראה...
Class Twelve. This pdf is for the next several classes. 31) A change of approach, and a desire that we reveal and celebrate every miracle that occurs. 32) The Gulf War, the fear, the Rebbe’s Promise and the preciseness of his prophecies, Purim the war ends. 33) the Yalkut Shimoni, the miracles of the scuds...
Class Thirteen. 35) The Ketz- end of Nissan 5751 כלו כל הקיצין כפשוטו ממש. Thirty-six) 28 Sivan coming to the lowest place and achieving the highest things. 37) Shabbos Shoftim- a Prophet and a Prophecy.
Class Fourteen. 38) Mishpatim 5752, the disarmament taking place in New York is from the effects of Moshiach himself. 39) To the Shluchim, what remains is for them to prepare the road for the final Shaliach- Moshiach to begin his mission. They must be מקבל פני משיח צדקינו בפועל ממש.
Class Fifteen. 40) 28 Nissan 5751 what came before it and the great shock of that Sicha. 41) Purim 5747, an earlier very elaborate version of the Sicha of 28 Nissan 5751, where the Rebbe introduced the timeliness of Moshiach and explained the campaign. The why and the how (part one).
Class Sixteen. 42) Purim 5747 continued. The seven Mitzvos of Noach. 43) The answer it’s the time. 44) It has has gone over from the head to all of us. 45) King Hoshea ben Aila removing the roadblocks and bringing suffering to all the Yidden. How is this different?
Class Seventeen. 46) Talking again and again about what we must do to bring Moshiach, one good deed etc. 47) The idea of יתבררו ויתלבנו ויצרפו רבים as an additional indicator of the imminence of the coming of Moshiach. The examples from all kinds of extreme events happening on the world, both good and bad.
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