
First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. This is a wonderful shiur on the classic question of why the Para Aduma (the Red Heifer) is considered “the” archetypal chok¹ in the Torah. Rabbi Paltiel quickly and clearly guides the listener through a powerful collection of sources ending with deep insights from Chassidus. Sources include: Rashi (a...

Chukas 20-08. Mei Meriva. (5769).Why and what brought about Moshe’s hitting the rock? And… what was the sin?

Chukas 21-27. Bo’u Cheshbon (5768/ 2008) – Bilaam’s Curse of MoavSources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ralbag, Bava Basra, B. Yehoyada, Ma’amar 5696, 5670