
Tzav 06-02. First Possuk. (5767).Meaning of the Structure of the Discussion of the Korbanos.

Tzav 06-02, 07, 18; 07-01, 11 Zos Toras…The question of why the laws of all the Korbanos are repeated twice (adding just few details the second time) once in Vayikra and then again in Tzav, is explained by the appearance (five times (!!)) in Tzav of the phrase: זאת תורת.These two classes address this question....

Tzav 06-03. Haramas Hadeshen, (5771).There was a special Mitzva to remove ash from the Mizbeach (altar) daily. This was besides the need to remove the ash from the Beis Hamikdash all together. This bit of ash was actually left to sink into the earth in the Beis Hamikdash itself. What does this Mitzva mean? This...