
(beginners). VAYETZE 1999 – YAAKOV AND THE MALACHIM SENT TO HELP HIM Hashem sent different malachim to Yaakov for the duration of his visit to Haran and to accompany him after he returned to Eretz Yisroel. This class (from the Mayaan Chai series) is accessible to everyone. Note: This class was recorded on our old...

VAYETZEI – ANOTHER PARSHA ON CHILD-REARING (Yeshiva 5780/ 2019) Yitzchok has two sons in Eretz Yisroel, and only one is a Tzadik, Yaakov has twelve children in Choron and they are all righteous. Children are perhaps most affected by their parents work ethic even more than the parents involvement with them. Dina, Rochel’s sacrifice, and...

Vayetzei, the Golus parsha (part one). Surviving Lavan, twenty years of deception.

A class on the first possuk of the parsha. VAYETZE 2006 – HE LEFT TO BUILD A JEWISH NATION At the end of Parshas Toldos, Yaakov Avinu left Eretz Yisroel so why does Parshas Vayetze tell us this again? It begins with a number of pshatim (interpretations) on this question from Rashi, R. Bechaye, Alshich,...

Vayetzei 28-12.VAYETZE 2005 – CLIMB UP TO KABBALA CLASSESYaakov’s dream, what does the ladder and all the rest mean? This class discusses the ladder in the dream of Yaakov Avinu. Is it a real ladder or a metaphor? If a metaphor, what does it mean? What are angels? What are sefiros? Rabbi Paltiel takes you...

UFARATZTA! What does it mean.

‘And this stone… the house of God…’ Yaakov makes a deal with Hashem and (according to RaShI) sets six conditions and offers one (or two) in return: The class begins with Rashi and other Rishonim but works its way towards two different explanations (according to Chassidus) to this idea of what the stone is 1)...

Ya’akov kisses Rochel and cries, why. Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Sforno, Abarbanel, Alshich, Yonasan, Rikanti, Tanya. Mercy on the soul that goes into Golus etc.

Vayetzei 29-17, Rochel was Beautiful in her Toar (figure) and Mareh (radiance).This class begins explaining the Pshat of these two aspects of Rochel’s beauty, but we move on to what it means more deeply: Order and balance manifest Ein Sof and they create a seat for a supernal light.When one isn’t balanced, they compensate in...

Vayeitzei 29:32 – ReuvainHis name, his place (in the family) and how he dealt with challenges. He was ‘meant to be’ a perfect Tzadik and at his birth his mother boasts: ראו בן look how perfect a son I have.But in the end he wasn’t; but he 1) protected his competitor for the birthright, and...

Vayeitzei 29:33 – ShimonHis name, his place (in the family) and how he dealt with challenges.The idea that the frits three (years) are Arla (too good or too poor to be eaten) is introduced.Shimon and Levi are brothers (on occasion); they’re extreme natyure gets them onto trouble with the people of Sh’chem and then with...

Vayeitzei 29:34 – LeviHis name, his place (in the family) and how he dealt with challenges.He starts out, as the partner of his brother Shimon, in Killing Sh’chem and in selling Yosef; but later when the test of idol worship (the Egel) comes he (in contrast to Shimon and Shittim) stands up to the test.He...

Vayeitzei 29:35 – YehudaAfter the three challenges (geniuses, extreme people) comes a ‘regular’ ‘normal’ son- Yehuda; but he turns out to be so much more special than his brothers, that he’s the ultimate special: he’s normal in the highest and most complete way. He doesn’t lose his head (in preventing the brother’s from killing Yosef)...

Vayeitzei 30:04-06; DanExactitude.But there’s hope לישעתך קיויתי השם. Vayeitzei 30:04-06; Dan

Vayeitzei 30:07-08, NaftaliConnection to Hashem and blessing and delight. Vayeitzei 30:07-08, Naftali

Vayeitzei 30:16- 18; YisascharCompared to a donkey; carries the load of Torah and is uplifted greatly. ישכר חמור גרם רובץ בין המשפתים. 1) Yisaschar toils in Torah day and night,2) He is especially dedicated when it comes to Paskining a Halacha (with all the responsibility that this involves)3) He was famous for his expertise at...

Vayeitzei 30:19- 20; ZevulunMaking the most of a bad situation. Zevulun also wants his life to be Torah; but what he is given (the land he’s given [on the coast]) makes that impossible.So, in stead of complaining he turns it into a blessing.Supporting Torah learners (Yisaschar); bringing converts to Yisroel etc.

Rare opportunity to delve into the nature of the trafim that Lavan used for avodah zara.  Why did Rochel take and hide them and what were the consequences?I’m enclosing my notes for you to see my sources.Zohar, Yonasan Ben Uziel, Rashi, Ramban, Even Ezra, Daas Zkeinim, Tziyuni and more.The most unusual idea (from the Even...

“Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker”. Yaakov and Lavan finally depart. What terms did they collectively agree to?