
Prefix to all Brachos Machon Chana 5774 (2013).Wednesday 28 Tishrei 5774/ October 2 2013. (Machon Chana). (A long version). The prefix to all Brachos and Birchas HaMitzvos is discussed here. The Abudraham, Kabbalah (the Tola’as Ya’akov) and Chassidus. 1) What does it mean to bless Hashem? 2) Why it starts in second person and ends in third...

02. Prefix to all Brachos (5780/ 2019) Yeshiva Version.This class explains 1) Boruch 2) Atta 3) Havaya Elokeinu 4) Melech HaOlom 5) Asher Kidshanu BiMitzvosav 6) Vitzivanu [7) Al Netilas Yadayim]Because of the brief mention of Al Netilas Yadayim this class is in the Netilas Yadayim folder also.