
Basi Legani 5711 at lengthThis ma’amar is the maiden Ma’amar” of the Rebbes leadership, in it, he analyzes the maamar of his predecessor but more significantly it is the mission statement for what he intends on doing as a rebbe. A job that continues to this day through the Shluchim and all Chassidim.

Ma’amar Ki Tisa 5711 at length (Shekalim Ma’amar).This Machatzis HaShekel Ma’amar deals with:1) The role of Moshe Rabbeinu in strengthening the Emuna we have from Avraham Avinu.2) the difference in Emunah by Yidden and non-Yidden.3) Machatzis HaShekel.

Ma’amar Nasata LiYeraiecha 5711A Maamar about Nisyonos (tests) vs. Birurim.There are 26 classes on this Ma’amar.

Ma’amar Vayiheyu Chayey Sara 5712This is “the” Ma’amar about Simcha (Joy) and it’s association with “Bittul”.There are 31 classes on this Ma’amar here.

Ma’amar Vayeshev Ya’akov 5712 (In Depth)Yom Tov of Mesiras Nefesh.

Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva.The Rebbe called it א בייזער דרוש (painful).It speaks to the absolute need (ultimately) of Teshuva.

Ma’amar Adna”i Sefasai Tiftach 5712This Ma’amar about ‘Tefilla Arichta’ (that by adding the ONE Possuk Adan-i Sefasai Tiftach, all of Shmone Esrei becomes a Long Prayer) was said by the Rebbe in his room to select Chassidim on his 50th birthday.

Ma’amar Ani Lidodi 5712.This Ma’amar has ?? classes.Enclosed here are:1) A PDF of the Ma’amar.2) The questions in a word document format.

Ma’amar Atem Nitzovim 5712This Ma’amar explores the three covenants made between Hashem and His world: 1) With Noach, for the sustaining of nature no matter what; 2) With Avraham (for the Land which is understood to mean) for the Torah; 3) With Moshe for Teshuva.

Ma’amar Vinacha 5714.A Ma’amar about אור אין סוף and אצילות.And אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית.And Moshiach joining together the highest and the lowest. Note: we are missing class 3 and 15. We apologize, but the classes that are here compensate for their unfortunate absence.