
Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 1. This is part of the greater ELUL- TISHREI series. We’ve included here only the ELUL matters. The Hebrew word for year “shana” means both repetition and change. This class focuses on the cycle of the Jewish year and the opportunities for personal growth it offers us....

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 2.The gift of redemption at Pesach must be internalized and earned through personal spiritual growth during the rest of the year – especially during the period of Elul, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Easy to follow – some intermediate concepts.

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 3.The Jewish calendar includes days infused with a particular energy. It is up to us to tap into the unique potential of these days every year – whether we are ready or not. The class begins with several Chassidic stories leading into a deep discussion of the...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 4.Eye-opening examples of the uniqueness of each day are presented: Chanuka and the Building of the Mishkan, Pesach and Avraham’s battle with the 4 Kings, and the dark history of Tisha B’Av and the Three Weeks. Stories of the great Rogatchaver give insight into the way a...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 5.The King in the Field metaphor. Rabbi Paltiel tells a deep and inspiring story that expands the mashal (metaphor) of “The King is in the Field” to cover the main elements of Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Succos. The rest of the classes in this series...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 6.The mashal (example) presented in the previous class is opened up. The moments of inspiration in the Yom Tovim of Tishrei make it possible for us to be extraordinary for the rest of the year. The real measure of “success” as a Jew is how much of...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 7.The Holy AriZal (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria) taught that the month of Elul is a time of the revelation of the 13 Attributes of Mercy (the 13 Middos HaRachamim). However, it is known from “convention” (e.g., Mishnah, Gemara, and Midrashim) that the 10 Days of Teshuvah (between Rosh...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 8, Rosh Hashana Class 1. When The Prayer of One Has the Power of Ten “Search for Hashem when He is close. Call Him when He is near.” (a passuk [line] from Yeshiyahu [Isaiah]). The Gemara explains that this refers to the 10 days “between” Rosh Hashana and Yom...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 9, Rosh Hashana Class 2. “I am Pouring Out My Soul Before G-d” The Rambam calls the period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur the “time of teshuvah”. During this period, Jews are inspired without premeditation. A person driving in the car or jogging in the park can be...

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 10, Rosh Hashana Class 3. Three Levels in Rosh Hashana Please excuse the sound quality – this was recorded on our old equipment. We are in the process of selecting sound cleaning software and we will clean this file in the near future (B’zras Hashem).

Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 11, Rosh Hashana, Class 4. Crowning Hashem as King

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 12, Yom Kippur Class One. Yom Kippur as it fits into the overall avoda (work or service) of the Elul/Tishrei period in the Jewish year. The super mitzvah of teshuvah.

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 13, Yom Kippur Class Two.An intense class on preparing for Yom Kippur which addresses some of the difficult problems associated with teshuvah.

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 14, Yom Kippur Class Three.The last of three classes on teshuvah for Yom Kippur preparation.

SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 15, Yom Kippur Class Four. Yaakov Goes on His Way Insight into the 4-day period between the end of Yom Kippur and the beginning of Succos. This class ends with a personal story about davening with the Lubavitcher Rebbe as Yom Kippur draws to a close. Easy to...


SERIES ON KING IN THE FIELD CLASS 18, Sukkos Class Three. This class segues into Shmini Atzeres

[Class 19 King in the field analogy] The joy of Sukkos is separated from Simchas Torah by Shmini Atzeres. The difference between these two joys.This class is not part of the original series but we connected it because of its’ relevance.

[Class 20 King in the field analogy] Viyaakov Halach Lidarko.This class is not part of the original series and was given at Beis Rivkah in 5782 (2021) and was added here because of its’ relevance to the series. Leaving and returning to regular life is critical and the point of it all: don’t leave the...