Toras Menachem - 10 Elul 5711
Toras Menachem vol. 3 p. 292 ff. Wedding is achieved through Makifs. How this is found in The Melech BaSadeh analogy to Elul.
Toras Menachem - Vayeitze 5712
Toras Menachem Vayeitze 5712. Vol. 4 page 156 ff.A semi-Farbrengen about the Mitteler Rebbe.
Toras Menachem - Mishpatim 5712
Toras Menachem vol. 4 page 335 ff. The power to serve Hashem in opposite ways simultaneously.
A kabalas Panim Sicha. Even in Parshas Toldos there is still relevance in Parshas Chayey Sara which is about the marriage of Yitzchok and Rivka and its meaning for all of us. Toras Menachem Vol 7 pp182-190
Toras Menachem - 12 Tammuz 5713
Toras Menachem vol. 09 page 38-41. What are Machsahava Zaros, and why begin a Farbrengen with the Maamar?
Toras Menachem - 20 Marcheshvan 5714
20 MarCheshvan to the Yeshiva’s donors.Toras Menachem vol. 10 page 146 ff.
The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s 25th wedding anniversary Toras Menachem Vol 10 pp 189-191; 191-195; 198-201; 206-207
Toras Menachem - 19 Kislev 5715
Toras Menachem vol. 13 page 129-132, 138-140, 145-9, 155-160.
Toras Menachem - Summer 5716
The Sichos that follow are from the summer 5716 about the Shluchim and the Shlichus to Eretz Yisroel. PDF for next three Classes. Toras Menachem Vol 17 pp 130; 176; 151-153; 183-186; 188-189;
Toras Menachem - Purim 5718
Toras Menachem vol 22 pages 121-3. Toras Menachem vol. 22 pages 129-136.
Toras Menachem - Ufaratza Sichos 5718-5720
Introduction: On 12 Tamuz 5718 the Rebbe introduced what would become the slogan of Lubavitch for 25 years or more: the idea of ופרצת ימה וקדמה וצפונה ונגבה.These classes cover the many Sichos during the first year and a half (approximately) of this campaign.The Rebbe’s urgency and the Chassidim’s difficulty in keeping up comes through...
Toras Menachem - 13 Tammuz 5719
Sichos from the weekday Farbrengen associated with Yud Bais Tamuz 5719 Toras Menachem Vol 26 p 121-135
Toras Menachem - Chanuka 5720
Torah for the sake of Torah. Toras Menachem vol 27 page 253-6.
College Students have an opportunity to ask the Rebbe whatever they wish, the talk finishes with a challenge to them by the Rebbe. Toras Menachem vol. 27 page 394 ff.
These two classes take a deep dive into the idea of the power of “teshuva” which is often translated as repentence but really means *return*. The level of these classes is intermediate but they are very accessible. These classes function as an entry to working on a personal approach to starting the “teshuva” journey. Toras Menachem Vol...
Toras Menachem - Simchas Torah 5721
Nigun Ata Vichrtanu Toras Menachem vol. 29 page 106-7.
Toras Menachem - 10 Shvat 5721
Toras Menachem vol. 30 page 52 ff. Toras Menachem Vol 30 pp 68-88 (Sicha Four)
This Sicha was said in conjunction with the Alter Rebbe’s 150th Yahrtzeit is being learned here in conjunction with his 200th Yahrtzeit. Toras Menachem Vol 36 pp 15ff
Toras Menachem 5727- Six Day War
Toras Menachem Vol 50 pp 176-190Toras Menachem Vol 50 pp 194-202Toras Menachem Vol 50 pp 238 ffToras Menachem Vol 50 pp 264 ff
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