
1. North Africa. The first and perhaps most successful of the Rebbe’s undertakings. Building Yeshivos in these Sfardic lands, preparing the Jews for the emigrating (and challenges) that were to follow.

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 2. Dor HaShvii. Dor HaShvii, the statement the Rebbe made on 10 Shvat 5711....

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 2a. The Rebbe’s Sichos. An overview of the place of Farbrengens by Chassidim and...

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 2b. Maamarim and the Rebbe’s Maamarim. A brief history of the Rebbe’s Maamarim and...

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 2c. The Rebbe’s Ma’amarim (particularly) (5773/2013). A second class on Ma’amarim outlining the Ma’amarim...

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 2d. Igros Kodesh. An overview of the printing of the letters of the Rabbeiim....

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 3. Merkaz Shlichus. Merkaz Shlichus. An endeaver started by the Rebbe RaYatz, that was...

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 4. “Reshes Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch” The dayschools the Rebbe established in Eretz Yisroel...

5. Tzeirei Agudas Chabad. Tzeirei Agudas Chabad. The Rebbe’s vision to use their initiative and youthful enthusiasm to change Israel and the world. Offensive rather than defensive war.

6. Agudas Neshei Ubnos Chabad. Empowering and giving leadership roles to women.

7. Mivtza Lulav and Matza. The first two Mivtzoyim: Lulav and Matza. Letters and Sichos. What they mean.

8b. Tahalucha.This class was added in 5781 (2020).The idea of Chazaras Chassidus expanded to include (simply) walking along with the one who does the actual Chazara.This campaign was very near and ear to the Rebbe.He explained how important “serving Hashem (even) with the feet” is.He connected it to Moshiach.

9. Issue of Chinuch and Limudei Chol. The Rebbe’s argument about priorities and principle and being proud of our traditions.

9a. (Short) HaMalach HaGoel. Toras Menachem vol. 7 Page 76. Children and HaMalach Hagoel. a custom the Rebbe maintained for a few years, having the children sing and Simchas Torah and having someone bless them with the Possuk HaMalach HaGoel.

10. The Nigunim. The Rebbe teaching Nigunim. He taught 14 in total and ten of them in successive years on Simchas Torah. Some thoughts and anecdotes.

11. Camp [Gan Yisroel]. Camp Gan Yisroel. Its vision, definition, and hope (prospects).

12. Yad HaChamisha. The Story of Kfar Chabad, the massacre in the Bais Sefer Limlacha, Yad HaChamisha and the sending of the Shluchim (Bochurim) that summer, 5716.

12A. 12a. The story of Ufaratzta from the Sichos. [Click Here] From 1 Tamuz 5718 onward the Rebbe pushed Chabad Chassidim forward using this slogan and theme, these are the Sichos that reveal the happenings back then. Sixty years later we learned these Sichos you can listen by clicking above.

13. Years 5716-5721. Years 5716-21. 1) Kfar Chabad tragedy the Shluchim and Yad Hachamisha, 2) Ufaratzta, 3) Alter Rebbe’s Maamarim begin being published, 4) Shamil’s Niggun, 5) 200 years of the Baal Shem Tov, 6) Tanya on the Radio, 7) Nichoach etc.

14. Years 5722-5726. Years 5722-6: 1) 150 years of the Alter Rebbe’s histalkus, 2) His mothers passing and the introduction of the RaShi Sichos, 3) Tzemach tzedek’s 100th Yahrtzeit and the printing of his Chassidus etc.

15. The Six day war and the Rebbe. “The Six Day War”, the Rebbe’s optimism, The Tefillin campaign and the Teshuva hisorerus that the Rebbe saw as unfolding from it.

15a. A folder of classes on Sichos and more on the six day war [Click Here] In conjunction with 50 years since the six day war (5727-5777/ 1967-2017) we reviewed the Sichos spoken at that time about this event and its affect and meaning spiritually, you can listen to those classes by clicking above..

15b. Shlaimus HaAretz, not to trade land for (so called) peace. Shlaimus HaAretz, the Rebbe’s stand (starting just after after the Six Day war) not to give away any of the territories we had liberated by the grace and with the great miracles of Hashem to anyone. 1) It’s our land, 2) One isn’t allowed...

16. Moshiach’s Sefer Torah. 1) Shchuna upkeep, 2) Nachalas Har Chabad, 3) Siyum Sefer Torah of Moshiach. The history behind it and the story.

17. Mihu Yehudi. Mihu Yehudi, the “small” change in the law of return that removed the word “KiHalacha” from that law, defining converts (who convert outside of Israel) as Jewish even if they been converted in ways that defy Halacha.

18. Years 5731-33. 5731 fill the world with Torah, 5732 71 Mosdos, Russian immigrants help, 5733 Anticipation of the upcoming war in Israel and children.

19. The Yom Kippur war. The Yom Kippur War. How the Rebbe preempted it with an incredible focus on children and the Koach they have to defeat all kinds of Yiddishe enemies. The Sicha of 13 Tishrei 5734.

The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 19b (Simchas Beis Hashoeva 5784 (50th anniversary of the YK war)Post Seminary girls.50 years since the Yom Kippur war.1) Actions, Mitzvah, 2) Simcha. The Rebbe’s Leadership. (Beis Rivka Seminary 5772) – Class 19b (Simchas Beis Hashoeva 5784 (50th anniversary of the YK war)

20. Mivtzoyim. Mivtzoyim. 1) The “Mivtza Tank” idea, 2) Actions, as a Shmira and to arouse the inner Jew, 3) The story in Maalot and the Tefillin, 4) The two Mivtzoyim of Kashrus and Taharas HaMishpacha and the idea of inner purity for the sake of faith.

21. Mivtza Chanuka, Chanuka gelt; and Mivtza Purim Mivtza Purim and Chanuka, holidays of Mesiras Nefesh have a Neshama connection with even the most assimilated Jews. Chanuka gelt, why money and why on Chanuka?

22. Shnas HaChinuch (5736/1976) Introduction to the 12 Pesukim. 5775-6. 1) Two more Mivtzoyim: Kashrus and Taharas HaMishpacha, 2) Rabbeinu Tam’s Tefillin, 3) Shnas (the year of) Chinuch (Torah Education) 4) Introduction to the twelve Pesukim.

23. The Twelve Pesukim. The twelve Pesukim. Children involving themselves in chinuch of other children.

24. Years 5736-8. Years 5736-8.1) Beis HaBechira in the three weeks, 2) Instead of a fast redeem your meal, 3) Arizal’s Yahrtzeit, 4) Joining Torah and Tzedaka (along with Tefilla) in all Mosdos, 5) Hakafos Shniyos, 6) Hemshech Ayin Beis, 7) Sefer Halikutim (of the Tzemach Tzedeks’ Chassidus), 8) Shtuchim issue.

26. Mashpiim and Asei Lecha Rav. Mashpiim and Asei Licha Rav. For our own Ruchniyus as well as to help us get (the Rebbe’s) answers to all kinds of life questions. In 5737 and again in 5746-7 the Rebbe underscored the need for this. The Sichos said shortly after the Rebbetzin was Nistalek (passed away)...

27. Jewish Meditation. Jewish meditation. Introduction, the 70’s and the age of cults. The Rebbe responds to separate what is good from bad in this. To use meditation in a Kosher way for medical purposes.

A series of classes given at the Beis Rivka Seminary in Brooklyn, highlighting many of the Rebbe’s very original ideas to preserve and strengthen Yiddishkeit. This series is based on the Rebbe’s biography found in the beginning of the “Hayom Yom”. 28. Tzivos Hashem. (5739) The Iranian children, spending money to travel to weddings, Children’s...

29. The Public Sefer Torah For children (and for adults). [(5741) Hakheil, Simchas Beis Hashoaiva, Mafteach on Maamarei Admor HaZakein, Birkas Hachama], Children’s and Adult’s Sefer Torah, unifying Jewish children from all over the world through Torah.[Russian Jews choosing where to live, (5742)].

30. Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach. [(5742) 1) the abbreviations connected to Moshiach, 2) Tanya for 11 Nissan, 3) The war of Shalom haGalil, (5743) 1) 100 years since the Rebbe MaharaSh’s histalkus, 2] The seven laws of Noach, 3) A Moment of silence, the campaign and it’s spirit. Education must be about G-d and morality.

31. Hareini Mikabel; Children and kosher toys. Two campaigns from the year 5744: 1) Children should play with mascots that represent Kosher animals, 2) People should add to the Davening nusach Hareini Mikabel (before) and Ach Tzadikim after the Davening due to the situation in the world.

32. The Takana of learning RaMbaM. The Takana of learning RaMaBaM. The story and anecdote.

33. The Story of the Sefarim. The Sefarim Story. excerpts of the Sichos of 1) Tamuz 5745, 2) Chanuka 5746, 3) 5 Teves 5747, 4) 5 Teves 5748.

Introduction: The Moshiach Story and Campaign. Moshiach’s story as it relates to Chassidus, 34. Part One. The Baal Shem Tov’s letter, The story of the French and Russian war, the Alter Rebbe and his friends, The Rebbe RaShaB and the talk of Simchas Torah 5648, World War 1, Germany and the Rebbe RaShaB and the...

35. Part Two. Moshiach (2). Tomchei Tmimim, leaving Russia, Latvia, Poland, the decision to go back in time (to the traditional Rebbe role) and his eventual forced move to the United States.

36. Part Three. Moshiach (3). Coming to America, The Sefer Torah to greet Moshiach, The Kol Korais, Becoming an American citizen while supporting Eretz Yisroel.

37. Part Four. Moshiach (4). 1) Basi Ligani and the Rebbe’s leadership, 2) The mems (1980s), when the Rebbe linked the abbreviations of each year to Moshiach, 3) 28 Nissan 5751 and Purim 5747. Giving over to the generation, 4) The miracles in Russia and all over.