
Page 242-3. Ani Ma’amin, Simchah, what is there to be BiSimcha about, what we have revealed to us when Moshiach comes, that we are earning now.

Page 243-5. The Simchah is motivated by two ideas: 1) A person is where he wants to be, so he is already in the geula, 2) The longing and anticipation puts the person there. The Niggun Tzama Licha Nafshi.

Page 245. Introduction to the Ma’amar.

Page 245-8. The Tzadik must also have the advantage of T’shuva, it motivates growth in an infinite way.

Page 248-9.

Page 249-51. Matza, Bread is Reshus, Bread (Chometz) is a Mitzvah, This class explains this evolution.

Page 251. Singing Tzoma again and talking about its musical composition and message.

Page 251-3. Iyar is Avrohom, Yitzchok, Yaakov, Rochel. Why Rochel. She was the only one who could appease Hashem for the Galus and His distancing Himself from Yidden.

Class One: Page 253. Introduction for the discussion on the development of Ma’amarim.

Class Two: Page 253-5. Every Rebbe said the same Ma’amar as his predecessors, with his own addition and style. Hiskashrus is through Torah, though it never reaches Etzem.

Page 255-6. What to repeat in the shuls about priorities.

Page 256. Going to Parshas Emor.