
Class One. The Neshama in this world makes no sense and the Alter Rebbe must console us for this compromise. Page 144-5.

Class Two. Cont. We can even sin down here so there must be some consoling aspect to this descent. Page 145-6.

Class Three. It is about the guf (body) and the joining of the body and the Soul. We must engage our animal Souls. Page 146.

Class Four. An example for the aforementioned joining of Neshama and Guf imperative is Davening. One cannot have a productive prayer unless he goes the through the steps on Tefilla and he must go in order from the lowest to the highest. Page 146-7.

Class Five. The measure of one’s own involvement in material things (whether it is healthy or not) can be seen in how one values another’s gashmiyus. Some great stories in this class. Page 147-8.

Class six. Beginning of the second Sicha, the unique connection between this year (5712) and Shmitta as this is a Shmitta year. Page 148-50.

Class Seven. Shmitta in ruchniyus, we get from Hashem on credit and must pay back. Page 149-50.

Class Eight. Hashem gives loans, but He wants them repaid. We take periodic stock of our affairs and try and pay back until the last moment. Page 151-2

Class Nine. Hashem wants us to pay our debts. Therefore shmitta is mishamet (erases debts) only at the last second. If that second comes and goes, it now becomes important to make sure the debt does not remain! Page 151-2.

Class Ten. How to guarantee that the debts are erased. make sure they’re not in Beis Din (above) but judged as the debts of [THE] One. Hashem Himself. The difference between heavenly court Judgement and God’s judgement. Page 152-3.

Class Eleven. We want to be judged by Hashem Himself and not by His court. We affect this by living our lives beyond the letter of the law in all areas of Torah Avoda and Gemillas Chasadim. Page 153-4.

Class Twelve. Conclusion. To repeat all this in the Shuls as the Rebbe’s Rosh Hashana message. Page 154-5.