
Toras Menachem vol. 23 page 117-18, 130, 142-6, 150-1. Ma’amar, Sicha about how there are two opposites in Ufaratzta: finitude and infinity together. Kfar Chabad and more all in the spirit of Ufaratzta.

Toras Menachem vol 23 page 242-5 continued. 20 Menachem Av cont. on Ufaratzta theme. How Yeshivos should establish priorities based on the Ufaratzta principle, the increase in students and Ruchniyus creates the increase in Gashmiyus.

Toras Menachem vol. 24 page 48-52. Two levels in the idea of ופרצת. A) Combining infinity and finitude: ופרצת within ימה וקדמה וצפונה ונגבה. B) The higher level נחלה בלי מצרים no idea of limit at all. The second comes from the same Possuk but as it is revealed (deeper) in Torah Sheba’al Peh. לכתחילה...

Toras Menachem vol. 24 page 192-3. ופרצת in all three poles of Torah Tefilla and Tzedaka. For all בעל הבתים as well as בחורים.

Toras Menachem vol. 24 page 257-8.19 Kislev Farbrengen in Kfar Chabad. The need to go out of limitations and the hesitation to do so. Toras Menachem vol. 25 page 48. קרן תורה and the need for discretion in giving.

Toras Menachem vol. 25 page 49-52. Connecting the idea of שטות דקדושה and ופרצת.

Toras Menachem vol. 25 page 266-270. קדושים ה’תשי”ט. Bochurim and Torah in a way of ופרצת without any חשבונות.

Toras Menachem vol. 25 page 275-279. בהר ה’תשי”ט. How Sfira connects יציאת מצרים and מתן תורה.

Toras Menachem vol. 26 page 239-41. The year is over and it hasn’t been utilized so let’s find a way of making the עשרת ימי תשובה part of the old year and correcting what was missed vis-a-vis ופרצת and make up for it in the area of פנימיות at least (and this means Torah). Toras...

Toras Menachem vol. 27 page 73-75. The connection between סוכה and ופרצת. The idea of Knowing למען ידעו.

Toras Menachem vol. 27 page 124-6. Ufaratzta in all three poles of Gamach Tefilla and also Torah. The Ufaratzta of Torah.

Toras Menachem vol. 27 page 127-9. Ufaratzta of Torah continued. The concept of כלל במצוות מול מצוה פרטית.