Class One (5781/2021), development of Tefilla1) Prayer always was (it is a Mitzvas Asei)2) How it used to be, either silently or in an audible voice3) Chana’s changes (that we follow to this day)4) Why the אנשי כנסת הגדולה (Members of the great assembly) needed to write the Siddur, language.
Class Two (5781/2021), Ladder and linkage of Tefilla1) The אנשי כנסת הגדולה structuring Prayer in one (Hebrew) language.2) The original prayer book was smaller than ours.3) Brachos (blessings) vs Tefillos (Prayers).4) Three separate ideas: \A. Pisukei DiZimra (said all day acc. to RaMbaM), B. Birchos Krias Shma and Krias Shma (till 3 hours in the...
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