13a. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5. Class One.This edited Ma’amar develops the ideas of the Divine names שד”י and הוי’ה; explaining that there are two (requisite) levels in שד”י the first is שאמר לעולמו די (Hashem’s used it to contain the creation), and the second is שדי באלקותי לכל ברי’ה (there’s...
13b. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5, Class Two.Class Two: Here the Rebbe argues that in the latter שד”י there already IS הוי’ה (it just isn’t as revealed) and moreover even the first שד”י has as it’s intent the full revelation of הוי’ה and as such already has within itself הוי’ה.He develops...
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