
15a. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class One. The reason the Soul down in this world says to ‘Bnos Yerushalayim’ “I’m black and (but I’m) beautiful’ because down here there is a love of longing and fear rooted in the Mehus rather than (simply the nature of) the Etzem. How fear of G-d down...

15b. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class Two. Hiskashrus (tying) is lower than Dvaikus (cleaving) but it forms a stronger bond, as do Neshamos down here who are ‘black and beautiful’. The Possuk VeHaya Eikev, says that when Mitzvos are done on a heel level they create a bond that is higher than reason.